Leiocephalus inaguae
Leiocephalus inaguae, commonly known as the Inaguae Curly-tailed Lizard, is a lizard species from the family of curly-tailed lizards (Leiocephalidae).
The males can reach 90mm (3.5 inches) from snout to vent (SVL), the females smaller at about 74mm (3 inches) SVL. There is a strong colouration difference between the males and females (dichromatism).
It prefers dry, exposed areas and is common on the coast, where it can be found amongst building materials, rocks and drift wood.
The species are typical omnivores, feeding on insects (Lepidoptera
larvae, Coleoptera, Formicidae), spiders, fruits, flowers and buds.
The curly-tailed lizard is endemic to the Bahamas and has an extremely restricted range as it is only found on Great Inagua. It is not listed by the IUCN or CITES as needing any special conservation, however, research is needed to determine its vulnerability due to its restricted range.
The males can reach 90mm (3.5 inches) from snout to vent (SVL), the females smaller at about 74mm (3 inches) SVL. There is a strong colouration difference between the males and females (dichromatism).
It prefers dry, exposed areas and is common on the coast, where it can be found amongst building materials, rocks and drift wood.
The species are typical omnivores, feeding on insects (Lepidoptera
Lepidoptera is a large order of insects that includes moths and butterflies . It is one of the most widespread and widely recognizable insect orders in the world, encompassing moths and the three superfamilies of butterflies, skipper butterflies, and moth-butterflies...
larvae, Coleoptera, Formicidae), spiders, fruits, flowers and buds.
The curly-tailed lizard is endemic to the Bahamas and has an extremely restricted range as it is only found on Great Inagua. It is not listed by the IUCN or CITES as needing any special conservation, however, research is needed to determine its vulnerability due to its restricted range.