Legendsong Saga
The Legendsong Saga encompasses the novels Darkfall
Darkfall (Carmody novel)
Darkfall is a Parallel universe fantasy novel by Isobelle Carmody. It is the first book in the Legendsong Saga.-Plot summary:After Glynn is transported to the world of Keltor, she is rescued by an Acanthan Windwalker named Solen, who despite his apparent indifference, is heavily involved in the...

 and Darksong
Darksong is a Parallel universe fantasy novel by Isobelle Carmody. The sequel of Darkfall, it is the second book in the Legendsong Saga. Conceived and written while Carmody was living in Prague, it was published by Viking books in 2002, and Penguin in 2003. The third book in the trilogy is as yet...

 written by Australian author Isobelle Carmody
Isobelle Carmody
Isobelle Jane Carmody is an Australian writer of science fiction, fantasy, children's literature, and young adult literature.-Biography:Carmody began work on the highly acclaimed Obernewtyn Chronicles at the age of fourteen...

, which centre around the adventures of Glynn and Ember Flanders in a parallel universe.
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