legalsuper is the industry
Industry refers to the production of an economic good or service within an economy.-Industrial sectors:There are four key industrial economic sectors: the primary sector, largely raw material extraction industries such as mining and farming; the secondary sector, involving refining, construction,...

Super may refer to:* Super, a supernumerary actor on the stage, which is the equivalent of an "extra" in motion pictures and television.* Super, a building superintendent; a manager, maintenance or repair person, custodian or janitor, especially in the United States.* Super, a grade of gasoline*...

 fund for Australia's legal profession. Although having public-offer status (meaning that anyone can join), it is essentially members of Australia's legal community
The term community has two distinct meanings:*a group of interacting people, possibly living in close proximity, and often refers to a group that shares some common values, and is attributed with social cohesion within a shared geographical location, generally in social units larger than a household...

 that use legalsuper.

legalsuper commenced in February 2005 following the merger of the respective Victorian and New South Wales legal superannuation funds which both commenced in 1989.

legalsuper now provides membership to approximately 39,000 Australians working predominately in the legal sector. Estimates vary but the legal profession is estimated at 100,000 nationally.

With the legal community targeted by financial planners and accountants, legalsuper's competitors include retail funds, in particular master trust platforms, and self managed superannuation funds.

The company has assets worth more than $1.6 billion. Recent mergers include with the NSW Barristers Fund, Blake Dawson Partners Superannuation fund and the Victorian Bar Superannuation Fund.

A team of staff is located in Victoria
Victoria (Australia)
Victoria is the second most populous state in Australia. Geographically the smallest mainland state, Victoria is bordered by New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania on Boundary Islet to the north, west and south respectively....

, New South Wales and Queensland.

As per other industry funds legalsuper is managed exclusively for the benefits of its members. The company pays no commissions to sales agents and there are no shareholders to receive dividends.

External links

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