Left Coast Lifter
The Left Coast Lifter is a barge and crane currently operating in San Francisco Bay
San Francisco Bay
San Francisco Bay is a shallow, productive estuary through which water draining from approximately forty percent of California, flowing in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers from the Sierra Nevada mountains, enters the Pacific Ocean...

, employed in the eastern span replacement of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge. It is being used to emplace prefabricated steel deck structure box segments on the main span.

With a boom length of 328 feet (100 m), weighing 992 short tons (886 LT) and having a 1800 short tons (1,607 LT) lift capacity, it is currently the largest barge crane ever used on the U.S. West Coast. It may be used to dismantle the old eastern span, but that is unclear as the current operator, American Bridge-Fluor
American Bridge-Fluor
American Bridge-Fluor is a joint venture between American Bridge Company and Fluor Corporation, formed to bid on and currently working on the Eastern span replacement of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge....

does not yet have a contract for the demolition.
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