Learn With Sooty (TV series)
Learn with Sooty! is part of a British children's television series The Sooty Show
The Sooty Show
The Sooty Show is a British children's television series that aired on the BBC from 1955 to 1967 when the BBC eventually cancelled The Sooty Show after Paul Fox, the controller of BBC1 at the time, cleared out some of the long running shows. After it was cancelled from the BBC that year, The Sooty...

 promoting educational videos for children to learn from 1989 to 1991. It features the glove puppet characters Sooty
Sooty is a British glove puppet bear and TV character popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. The children's television show which bears his name has continued in various forms since the 1950s and, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the...

, Sweep
Sweep (puppet)
Sweep is a British puppet and TV character popular in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and other countries.Sweep is a grey, glove puppet dog with long black ears who joined The Sooty Show in 1957, as a friend to fellow puppet Sooty...

 (who appeared in 1957) and Soo
Soo (puppet)
Soo is a British puppet and TV character popular in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. Soo was first featured on The Sooty Show as the girlfriend of the main puppet character Sooty in 1964....

 (appeared in 1964), and follows them in their many mischievous adventures. Learn with Sooty! was presented by Matthew Corbett
Matthew Corbett
Matthew Corbett is an English television personality best known for The Sooty Show and laterly Sooty and Co. He is the son of Harry Corbett...



  • Sooty
    Sooty is a British glove puppet bear and TV character popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. The children's television show which bears his name has continued in various forms since the 1950s and, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the...

    - A mute yellow bear who is the protagonist
    A protagonist is the main character of a literary, theatrical, cinematic, or musical narrative, around whom the events of the narrative's plot revolve and with whom the audience is intended to most identify...

     of the show. He owns a magic wand whose power is invoked using the words "Izzy wizzy, let's get busy!".
  • Sweep
    Sweep (puppet)
    Sweep is a British puppet and TV character popular in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and other countries.Sweep is a grey, glove puppet dog with long black ears who joined The Sooty Show in 1957, as a friend to fellow puppet Sooty...

    - A grey dog with a penchant for bones and sausages. He wears red wellingtons and communicates using bizarre squeaks.
  • Soo
    Soo (puppet)
    Soo is a British puppet and TV character popular in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. Soo was first featured on The Sooty Show as the girlfriend of the main puppet character Sooty in 1964....

    - A calm and collected female panda
    Panda or Panda bear most often refers to:*Giant panda, an animal in the Bear familyPanda may also refer to:*Red panda, the only living member in the Ailuridae family-In biology:* Species related to the Giant panda...

     who acts as the foil
    Foil (literature)
    In fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character in order to highlight particular qualities of another character....

    for both Sooty and Sweep. Usually wears a red skirt. Voiced by Brenda Longman.

UK VHS Releases

VHS Title Release Date
Learn with Sooty! - Be Safe! 1989
Learn with Sooty! - Start to Read! 1989
Learn with Sooty! - Have Fun with Numbers! 1989
Learn with Sooty! - Simple Science 1989
Learn with Sooty! - How Things Work Simple Science 1989
Learn with Sooty! - Start to Read!/Have Fun with Numbers! 1989
Learn with Sooty! - A-Z of Animals 1990
Learn with Sooty! - Start to Read! 2 1990
Learn with Sooty! - Down on the Farm 1991
Learn with Sooty! - Multiplication and Time Table 1991
Learn with Sooty! - Have Fun with Numbers! 2 1991
Learn with Sooty! - Be Safe! 2 1992
Learn with Sooty! - French 1992
Learn with Sooty! - Division or Time Table? 1992
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