League of Jewish Women
The League of Jewish Women (LJW) is one of the leading voluntary Jewish women’s service organisations in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. Affiliated to more than 30 other national and international organisations, membership is open to all Jewish men and women. LJW is the UK affiliate of the International Council of Jewish Women.

LJW is a voluntary service organisation that provides help wherever it is needed, within both the Jewish and the wider community.

LJW members are organised in local groups who meet regularly for social events and arrange their voluntary service. Some groups meet during the day and others in the evening. There are groups for younger women and one specifically for younger women on their own.

Voluntary work ranges from hospital and home visits to working in prisons, running day centres for older people. Many members also work in schools, baby clinics and contact centres. The type of work members do is as varied as the members themselves and much of it is organised locally.

The current President of the League of Jewish Women is Marilyn Brummer.

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