League of Iraqi Communists
League of Iraqi Communists was a communist organisation in Iraq
Iraq ; officially the Republic of Iraq is a country in Western Asia spanning most of the northwestern end of the Zagros mountain range, the eastern part of the Syrian Desert and the northern part of the Arabian Desert....

, led by Daud as-Sayegh
Daud as-Sayegh
Daud as-Sayegh was an Iraqi communist politician. As-Sayegh was a Christian lawyer from Baghdad. He entered and left the Iraqi Communist Party several times during the 1940s and 1950s....

. The League was founded in February 1944, after a split in the Iraqi Communist Party
Iraqi Communist Party
Since its foundation in 1934, the Iraqi Communist Party has dominated the left in Iraqi politics. It played a fundamental role in shaping the political history of Iraq between its foundation and the 1970s. The Party was involved in many of the most important national uprisings and demonstrations...

. As-Sayegh had revolted against Fahd
The name Fahd is an Arabic name:, also transliterated Fahad or Fahed, can refer to:* Fahd A royal name in Saudi Arabia that bears connotations of courage and fierceness...

's leadership in the Iraqi Communist Party, accusing him of adventurism
Adventurism is a criticism levelled at governments which pursue reckless policies, seemly for the sake of excitement. Countries pusuing foreign wars of dubious merit or which have little chance of success have often been accused of adventurism by opponenets....

and undemocratic practices. The League published the publication al-'Amal.
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