Lawlers Gold Mine
The Lawlers Gold Mine is a gold mine
Gold mining
Gold mining is the removal of gold from the ground. There are several techniques and processes by which gold may be extracted from the earth.-History:...

 located 23 km south west of Leinster
Leinster, Western Australia
Leinster is a town in the northern goldfields area of Western Australia. The town is located 4 km east of the Goldfields Highway, in the Shire of Leonora Local Government Area, northeast of the state capital, Perth...

, Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...


It is operated by Barrick Gold
Barrick Gold
Barrick Gold Corporation is the largest pure gold mining company in the world, with its headquarters in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and four regional business units located in Australia, Africa, North America and South America...

 and, since the beginning of 2008, part of its Yilgarn South operation, which consists of Lawlers, the Darlot-Centenary Gold Mine
Darlot-Centenary Gold Mine
The Darlot-Centenary Gold Mine is a gold mine located 58 km east of Leinster, Western Australia.It is operated by Barrick Gold and, since the beginning of 2008, part of its Yilgarn South operation, which consists of Darlot, the Lawlers Gold Mine and the Granny Smith Gold Mine...

 and the Granny Smith Gold Mine
Granny Smith Gold Mine
The Granny Smith Gold Mine is a gold mine located 20 km south of Laverton, Western Australia near Mount Weld.It is operated by Barrick Gold and, since the beginning of 2008, part of its Yilgarn South operation, which consists of Granny Smith, the Lawlers Gold Mine and the Darlot-Centenary Gold...

. The mine is located in the Norseman
Norseman, Western Australia
Norseman is a town located in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia along the Coolgardie-Esperance Highway, east of Perth and above sea level. It is also the starting point of the Eyre Highway, and the last major town in Western Australia before the South Australian border to the...

Wiluna, Western Australia
Wiluna is a complex town in the Mid West region of Western Australia. It is situated on the edge of the Western Desert at the gateway to the Canning Stock Route and Gunbarrel Highway. It is the service centre of the local area for the local Aboriginal people, the pastoral industry, mining, and...

 Greenstone Belt
Greenstone belt
Greenstone belts are zones of variably metamorphosed mafic to ultramafic volcanic sequences with associated sedimentary rocks that occur within Archaean and Proterozoic cratons between granite and gneiss bodies....



Gold was first discovered in the region in 1892 and the town side of Lawlers
Lawlers, Western Australia
Lawlers is a ghost town in Western Australia on the Old Agnew Road located north east of Perth in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia....

, named after Patrick Lawler who found the first gold in a nearby creek, was established. Of the original town of Lawlers, only the old police station is still standing.

The site, was originally owned by Plutonic Resources, a major Australian gold mining and exploration company. Homestake Mining Company
Homestake Mining Company
The Homestake Mining Company was one of the largest gold mining businesses in the United States from the 19th century through the beginning of the 21st...

 purchased Plutonic in April 1998 for more than $1.0 billion, and, in turn, Homestake was acquiered by Barrick Gold at the end of 2001.

Ore at Lawlers is mined in an underground operation.

In June 2009, Lawlers has been certified as fully compliant with the International Cyanide Management Code
International Cyanide Management Code
The International Cyanide Management Code is voluntary code of industry practices for cyanide handing in metal mining and processing. Through a process started in 2000, it was jointly promulgated in 2002 by the United Nations Environment Program and the predecessor to the International Council on...



Year Gold
Grade Cost per ounce
United States dollar
The United States dollar , also referred to as the American dollar, is the official currency of the United States of America. It is divided into 100 smaller units called cents or pennies....

Troy ounce
The troy ounce is a unit of imperial measure. In the present day it is most commonly used to gauge the weight of precious metals. One troy ounce is nowadays defined as exactly 0.0311034768 kg = 31.1034768 g. There are approximately 32.1507466 troy oz in 1 kg...

2000 101,200 ounces 4.94 g/t 215
2001 104,000 ounces 4.45 g/t 407
2002 113,291 ounces 179
2003 99,223 ounces 249
2004 110,374 ounces 246
2005 131,000 ounces 0.154 oz/t 324
2006 110,000 ounces 0.129 oz/t 494
2007 115,000 ounces 0.138 oz/t 515

Yilgarn South

Production figures for the Yilgarn South operation, consisting of Darlot, Granny Smith and Lawlers.
Year Gold
Cost per ounce
United States dollar
The United States dollar , also referred to as the American dollar, is the official currency of the United States of America. It is divided into 100 smaller units called cents or pennies....

Troy ounce
The troy ounce is a unit of imperial measure. In the present day it is most commonly used to gauge the weight of precious metals. One troy ounce is nowadays defined as exactly 0.0311034768 kg = 31.1034768 g. There are approximately 32.1507466 troy oz in 1 kg...

2007 410,000 ounces 0.117 486
2008 325,000 ounces 0.125 749
2009 352,000 ounces 685


External links

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