Lasiopetalum baueri
Lasiopetalum baueri, commonly known as slender velvet bush, is a common shrub of the mallow
Malvaceae, or the mallow family, is a family of flowering plants containing over 200 genera with close to 2,300 species. Judd & al. Well known members of this family include okra, jute and cacao...

 family. It was first described by Joachim Steetz in 1806. It was named for the 19th century botanical artists Ferdinand and Frederick Bauer.

Lasiopetalum baueri is a small densely foliaged spreading shrub 0.3-1.5 m (12 in to 5 ft) high and 1-2.5 m (3-8 ft) wide. The new growth is prominently covered with red-brown hair. The grey-green leaves are linear or oblong and measure 1.5–6 cm (0.6-2.4 in) long by 0.5 cm (0.2 in) wide. The margins are recurved. Hairy below, they become smooth above over time. Flowering occurs mainly in spring, from August to October, and can be profuse, the one to six flowered cymes are densely covered with hair, the pinkish calyces are around 1.2 cm (0.5 in) in diameter and densely hairy on the outside and pink, white or green and less hairy inside.

It is found in southern South Australia
South Australia
South Australia is a state of Australia in the southern central part of the country. It covers some of the most arid parts of the continent; with a total land area of , it is the fourth largest of Australia's six states and two territories.South Australia shares borders with all of the mainland...

, central and western Victoria
Victoria (Australia)
Victoria is the second most populous state in Australia. Geographically the smallest mainland state, Victoria is bordered by New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania on Boundary Islet to the north, west and south respectively....

,,southwestern New South Wales
New South Wales
New South Wales is a state of :Australia, located in the east of the country. It is bordered by Queensland, Victoria and South Australia to the north, south and west respectively. To the east, the state is bordered by the Tasman Sea, which forms part of the Pacific Ocean. New South Wales...

, where it is confined to the vicinity of Rankins Springs
Rankins Springs, New South Wales
Rankins Springs is a small town in the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia.  It is in Carrathool Shire Council and on the Mid-Western Highway...

, and in the north-east of Tasmania
Tasmania is an Australian island and state. It is south of the continent, separated by Bass Strait. The state includes the island of Tasmania—the 26th largest island in the world—and the surrounding islands. The state has a population of 507,626 , of whom almost half reside in the greater Hobart...

. It grows in mallee communities
Mallee Woodlands and Shrublands
Mallee Woodlands and Shrublands is a Major Vegetation Group which occurs in semi-arid areas of southern Australia. The vegetation is dominated by mallee eucalypts which are rarely over 6 metres high...

or coastal cliffs on sandy soil over limestone, the top layer of soil often neutral to acidic, while the subsoil is highly alkaline.

Lasiopetalum baueri can be readily grown in dryer climates in well drained soils and sunny aspects, and is used as a windbreak or hedge. It responds well to being pruned. It was introduced into cultivation in England in 1868. The dried flowers are long-lasting and have potential as a cut flower.
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