Larissa Wolcott
Larissa Wolcott is a voice actress who primarily does voice work in anime dubbing for ADV Films and Funimation Entertainment
. She is most known for her role as Excel from Excel Saga
in episodes 14-26, when she replaced Jessica Calvello
after Calvello injured her vocal cords performing Excel.
Funimation Entertainment
Funimation is an American entertainment company. Originally founded in 1994 by Gen Fukunaga, the company became a subsidiary of Navarre Corporation on May 11, 2005...
. She is most known for her role as Excel from Excel Saga
Excel Saga
is a manga series written and illustrated by Rikdo Koshi. It has been serialized in Young King OURs since 1996, with individual chapters collected and published in tankōbon volumes by Shōnen Gahosha. The series follows the attempts of Across, a "secret ideological organization", to conquer the city...
in episodes 14-26, when she replaced Jessica Calvello
Jessica Calvello
Jessica Lynn Calvello is an American voice actress primarily known for her anime voiceover work, particularly with ADV Films and later 4Kids Entertainment....
after Calvello injured her vocal cords performing Excel.
Voice Roles
- Bamboo BladeBamboo Bladeis a Japanese manga series written by Masahiro Totsuka, and illustrated by Aguri Igarashi. The manga was first serialized in the Japanese seinen manga magazine Young Gangan starting December 3, 2004. The manga has been licensed for distribution in North America by Yen Press. An anime adaptation by...
- Konishi - ClaymoreClaymore (manga)is a dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Norihiro Yagi. The series initially premiered in the now defunct Monthly Shōnen Jump in the May 2001 issue. When the magazine was canceled in June 2007, the series was temporarily moved to Weekly Shōnen Jump where it was still published...
- Pamela (ep. 20) - Comic Party RevolutionComic Party, sometimes abbreviated to ComiPa, is a romantic adventure and dating sim video game by the Japanese game studio Leaf. It was first released on May 28, 1999 for the PC with adult content, but re-released with it removed for the Dreamcast, PC, and PSP...
- Eimi Ohba - Cosplay ComplexCosplay Complexis a comedy anime original video animation that is centered around the after school cosplay club at East Oizumi Academy. The girls in the club practice so that they may one day be able to compete in cosplay competitions.-East Oizumi Cosplay Club:...
- Chako - Dai-GuardDai-Guard, lit. "Terrestrial Defense Corp. Dai-Guard" is an anime television series, produced and animated by XEBEC, and directed by Seiji Mizushima. It aired from October 5, 1999 to March 28, 2000 on TV Tokyo, ran for 26 episodes. 6 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD...
- Fuuka Tanigawa - Darker Than BLACKDarker than Blackis an anime television series, created, directed and written by Tensai Okamura and animated by Bones. It premiered across Japan from April 5, 2007 on MBS, TBS, and its affiliated broadcast stations, with its satellite television premiere in Japan on Animax in May 2007. The music for the series is...
- Bai - Debutante Detective CorpsDebutante Detective Corpsis an anime OVA, and was released on VHS and DVD in North America by ADV Films.-Voice actors and their characters:* Dara Aylor - Kimiko* Larissa Wolcott - Reika* Lindsay Doleshal - Nina* Missy Atwood - Youko* Shana McClendon - Miyuki...
- Reika - Devil LadyDevil Ladyis a Japanese action horror manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. It was originally serialized between January 1997 and July 2000 in the manga magazine Weekly Morning. Seventeen bound volumes were published by Kodansha for release in Japan. The story focuses on Jun Fudo, a teacher who...
- Chika - Excel SagaExcel Sagais a manga series written and illustrated by Rikdo Koshi. It has been serialized in Young King OURs since 1996, with individual chapters collected and published in tankōbon volumes by Shōnen Gahosha. The series follows the attempts of Across, a "secret ideological organization", to conquer the city...
- Excel (eps 14-26) - Final Fantasy: UnlimitedFinal Fantasy: Unlimitedwas an anime television series based on Square Enix's popular Final Fantasy role-playing game franchise.Final Fantasy: Unlimited incorporates both 2D animation and 3D graphics, and takes elements from the Final Fantasy games with quite a few easter eggs, some obvious, others obscure...
- Lou Lupus - Happy LessonHappy LessonHappy Lesson is a comedy manga, written by Mutsumi Sasaki and illustrated by Shinnosuke Mori, serialized in Dengeki G's Magazine from April 1999 to September 2002, featuring a high school student who is adopted by five of his teachers...
- Uzuki Shiten'nou - Happy LessonHappy LessonHappy Lesson is a comedy manga, written by Mutsumi Sasaki and illustrated by Shinnosuke Mori, serialized in Dengeki G's Magazine from April 1999 to September 2002, featuring a high school student who is adopted by five of his teachers...
- Uzuki - Hell Girl - Kanako Sakuragi
- Iczelion - Nagisa
- King of Bandit JingKing of Bandit Jing, also known as King of Bandit Jing, is a seven volume manga series by Yuichi Kumakura about the adventures of the bandit Jing and his partner Kir. The manga was adapted into a 13 episode anime series produced by Aniplex and directed by Hiroshi Watanabe as well as a Game Boy game released in 2000...
- Vermouth - Kurau Phantom MemoryKURAU Phantom Memoryis a 2004 science fiction anime series, produced by Bones and Media Factory, which was broadcast in Japan by the anime television networks Animax and TV Asahi. Set primarily in the year 2110, it explores themes such as inter-familial relationships and ethics in science. The series was licensed by...
- Jessica Lundgren - Lost UniverseLost Universeis a series of science fiction light novels, running from 1992 to 2000, by Japanese author Hajime Kanzaka. It was later adapted into a 26-episode anime television series that ran throughout the summer of 1998 on TV Tokyo during the same time slot that the anime depiction of Kanzaka's previous work,...
- Millie Feria Nocturne - Magical Witchland - Padudu
- Magical PlayMagical Playis an original net animation featuring character designs by Kiyohiko Azuma. It was webcast from November 16, 2001 to May 3, 2002, totaling twenty-two episodes. The magical girl satire was later compiled into four half hour episodes and released on four DVDs. A 3D OVA episode was released on...
3D - Padudu - MushishiMushishiis a manga series written and illustrated by Yuki Urushibara, published in Kodansha's Afternoon magazine from 1999 to August 2008.The manga was adapted into an anime television series in 2005. The Artland production was directed by Hiroshi Nagahama...
- Aki (Ep. 21) - Petite Princess YuciePetite Princess Yucieis an anime series, which was produced by Gainax, aired from 2002 to 2003, and ran for 26 episodes. Six volumes of videos were released on DVD by ADV Films in the United States. As of Sep. 1, 2009, the series is now licensed by ADV's successor, AEsir Holdings; with distribution from Section23 Films...
- Belbel - Puni Puni PoemyPuni Puni Poemyis a two-part original video animation spin-off from the Excel Saga manga and TV animation. It features some of that series' secondary characters and many of its staff, primarily director Shinichi Watanabe...
- Itsue Aasu; Kotono Mitsuishi - Romeo x JulietRomeo x Julietis a TV anime series, loosely based on William Shakespeare's classical play, Romeo and Juliet, along with numerous references and characters from other Shakespearean plays. Though the anime borrows mostly from Shakespeare's story, the manga adaptation differs extensively from the original...
- Amelia - Sakura DiariesSakura Diariesis a 12 episode OVA series based on the manga of the same name by renowned hentai manga artist U-Jin about romance, love triangles, and the struggle to get into a prestigious university.-Plot:...
- Koumi Natsuki - Sakura WarsSakura Warsis a Japanese media franchise created by Ouji Hiroi, and is developed and owned by Sega and licensed by Red Entertainment and Sega. The franchise centers on a series of dramatic fantasy and science-fantasy tactical role-playing adventure video games, which consist of tactical wargame and dating sim...
- Iris Chateaubriand - Steam DetectivesSteam Detectivesis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kia Asamiya. The manga was originally serialized in Ultra Jump. It was later adapted into a 26-episode anime TV series which ran from October 1998 to March 1999 on TV Tokyo...
- Lang-Lang - Variable GeoVariable Geo, also known as V.G., is a Japanese 2D fighting game series developed and published by Giga for home computers. It was also developed and published by Technical Group Labroratory for home game consoles...
- Manami Kusunoki - Wedding PeachWedding Peachis a shōjo manga by Nao Yazawa and Sukehiro Tomita that was originally serialized in Shogakukan's Ciao magazine. In North America it is translated and published by VIZ Media in its entirety, comprising six volumes....
- Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach