Lakshmipur District
The district of Lakshmipur consists 3784 mosques, 489 temples, six churches and three Buddhist temples.
Place of Interest:
Hekim Abdul Aziz Darga at the Village of West Sheikhporea, Ramganj Upazila of Lakshmipur District. He is one of the renowned and famous Muslim Saints of Bangladesh. Every year, West Sheikhporea has a Isha-Ley-Souwab Moufil and Oroos during his death day anneversary (Reference: see awaalia of Bangladesh).
Land use Cultivable land 1,254.66 km², fallow land 97.04 km², forest area 96.04 km²; single crop 25.85%, double crop 59.03%, triple crop 15.12%.
Land control Among the peasants, 12.6% landless, 27.3% marginal peasant, 45.9% small peasant, 12.2% intermediate, 2% rich; land per head 950 m².
Value of land The market value of the first grade arable land is Tk 144.70/m².
Main crops Paddy, wheat, mustard, jute, chilli, potato, pulse, maize, soybean, ground nut, sugarcane.
Extinct and nearly extinct crops Sesame, kaun, linseed, joar, pea, khesari, leguminous pulse, barley, arahar, gram, tobacco.
Main fruits Mango, jackfruit, banana, black berry, papaya, guava, palm, lemon, coconut, betel nut, apple, sharifa, amra.
Fishery, dairy and poultry Fishery 58, fish nursery 16, livestock and dairy 102, poultry 222, hatchery 3.
Communication facilities Roads: pucca 243 km, semi pucca 235 km and mud road 1822 km.
Traditional transport Palanquin (extinct), kosh and bullock cart (nearly extinct), boat.
Manufactories Textile mill, handloom, rice mill, flour mill, saw mill, ice factory, aluminium factory, bidi factory, nail factory, candle factory, soap factory, coconut fibre processing factory, printing press, oil mill, bakery, book binding, battery factory, miscellaneous workshops etc.
Cottage industries Bamboo and cane work, pottery, wood work, tailoring, radio TV and watch repairing, bi-cycle and rickshaw repairing, fishing net weaving, goldsmith, blacksmith, cobbler etc.
Hats, bazars and fair Hats and bazars are 123, fair 7.
Main exports Coconut, betel nut, fish, ground nut, chilli.
NGO activities Operationally important NGOs are brac, asa, proshika, CODEC, SOPIRET, CARE, RIDO, grameen bank, Gana Unnayan Sangstha, DORP Social Institute, Gonoshahajjo Sangstha, USAP, BCSDP, RDA, MRDS, NRDS, MCC, NRDP, Hunger Project, Desh Unnayan Sangstha, Palli Mahila Unnayan Sangstha, Triveni Mahila Unnayan Sangstha, Seba Society, Nijera Kari, Al-Amin,
Health centres Hospital 6, diabetic hospital 1, upazila health complex 4, family planning centre 32, maternity and child care centre 2, satellite clinic 40, community clinic 38, private clinic 12, veterinary hospital 5, artificial breeding point 6.
Places of interest
Upozila sader Mosque Bagbari, Archaeological heritage Tita Khan Jami Mosque, Mita Khan Mosque, Majupur Matka Mosque, Madhu Banu Mosque, Dayem Shah Mosque,Lawrance Bazar Baitul Aman MosqueAbdullahpur Jami Mosque, Sahapur Neel-kuthi,Komol Nagor Hafijul Hoque Patowary Bari Sahapur Saheb-bari, Zamindar house at Dalal Bazar, Srigovinda Mahaprabhu Jeu Akhra, Dalal Bazar Math, Khoa-sagor dighi, Oidara Dighi, Kamala Sundari Dighi, Nager Dighi at Muktarampur in Bijoynagar, Jinn's Mosque at village Kerwa in Raipur, Bara Mosque, Rani Bhabani Kamada Math of Ramgati, Sreerampur Rajbari in Ramganj, Shyampur Dayra Sharif, Kachua Dargah, Harishchar Dargah, Kanchanpur Dargah.Samitir Hat Cyclone Center. Machhum shah Fakirer Mazar(Zinda Fakir).lakshmipur college, adrosho samad school, Bejoy Nagar high school.Demographics
Population 1479371; male 49.21% and female 50.79%.Place of Interest:
Hekim Abdul Aziz Darga at the Village of West Sheikhporea, Ramganj Upazila of Lakshmipur District. He is one of the renowned and famous Muslim Saints of Bangladesh. Every year, West Sheikhporea has a Isha-Ley-Souwab Moufil and Oroos during his death day anneversary (Reference: see awaalia of Bangladesh).
Main occupations Agriculture 35.19%, fishing 2.7%, agricultural labourer 19.86%, wage labourer 3.16%, commerce 12.10%, service 12.21%, transport 2.04%, construction 1.27%, others 11.47%. also many people work in abroad. it is important occupation of local people after agricultureLand use Cultivable land 1,254.66 km², fallow land 97.04 km², forest area 96.04 km²; single crop 25.85%, double crop 59.03%, triple crop 15.12%.
Land control Among the peasants, 12.6% landless, 27.3% marginal peasant, 45.9% small peasant, 12.2% intermediate, 2% rich; land per head 950 m².
Value of land The market value of the first grade arable land is Tk 144.70/m².
Main crops Paddy, wheat, mustard, jute, chilli, potato, pulse, maize, soybean, ground nut, sugarcane.
Extinct and nearly extinct crops Sesame, kaun, linseed, joar, pea, khesari, leguminous pulse, barley, arahar, gram, tobacco.
Main fruits Mango, jackfruit, banana, black berry, papaya, guava, palm, lemon, coconut, betel nut, apple, sharifa, amra.
Fishery, dairy and poultry Fishery 58, fish nursery 16, livestock and dairy 102, poultry 222, hatchery 3.
Communication facilities Roads: pucca 243 km, semi pucca 235 km and mud road 1822 km.
Traditional transport Palanquin (extinct), kosh and bullock cart (nearly extinct), boat.
Manufactories Textile mill, handloom, rice mill, flour mill, saw mill, ice factory, aluminium factory, bidi factory, nail factory, candle factory, soap factory, coconut fibre processing factory, printing press, oil mill, bakery, book binding, battery factory, miscellaneous workshops etc.
Cottage industries Bamboo and cane work, pottery, wood work, tailoring, radio TV and watch repairing, bi-cycle and rickshaw repairing, fishing net weaving, goldsmith, blacksmith, cobbler etc.
Hats, bazars and fair Hats and bazars are 123, fair 7.
Main exports Coconut, betel nut, fish, ground nut, chilli.
NGO activities Operationally important NGOs are brac, asa, proshika, CODEC, SOPIRET, CARE, RIDO, grameen bank, Gana Unnayan Sangstha, DORP Social Institute, Gonoshahajjo Sangstha, USAP, BCSDP, RDA, MRDS, NRDS, MCC, NRDP, Hunger Project, Desh Unnayan Sangstha, Palli Mahila Unnayan Sangstha, Triveni Mahila Unnayan Sangstha, Seba Society, Nijera Kari, Al-Amin,
Health centres Hospital 6, diabetic hospital 1, upazila health complex 4, family planning centre 32, maternity and child care centre 2, satellite clinic 40, community clinic 38, private clinic 12, veterinary hospital 5, artificial breeding point 6.