's The King of Fighters video game series; he was first introduced in The King of Fighters '94
as the leader of the Japan team. He is one of the iconic characters of the series and regularly appears on publicity material and merchandise. His name and abilities were designed in order to relate him with the Yamata no Orochi legend. Because he was highly popular and his outfit changed along the series, the designers created a few clones with his old appearance.
Kyo is first introduced as a cocky delinquent high school student who is the heir to the Kusanagi clan, who can use pyrokinetic
(vs. England): "Impressive, but I saw it coming!"
(vs. Italy): "We'll be the champions!"
(vs. Japan): "That's the fate of a fraud!"
(vs. Korea): "My fists are hard to beat!"
(vs. Mexico): "This is the end of Kyokugenryu!"
(vs. USA): "This is too easy!"
"So long, weenie king. We won't meet again."
"Burn in the fury of my flames, you worthless weakling!"
"That's it? Well, I'm not angry. Just disappointed."
"Stop moping around and butch up, you weenie!"