Klostertaler Gscheid
The Klostertaler Gscheid is a high mountain pass
Mountain pass
A mountain pass is a route through a mountain range or over a ridge. If following the lowest possible route, a pass is locally the highest point on that route...

 in southern Lower Austria
Lower Austria
Lower Austria is the northeasternmost state of the nine states in Austria. The capital of Lower Austria since 1986 is Sankt Pölten, the most recently designated capital town in Austria. The capital of Lower Austria had formerly been Vienna, even though Vienna is not officially part of Lower Austria...

, which links the Klostertal valley (municipality of Gutenstein) with the valley of the River Voisbach (municipality of Schwarzau im Gebirge
Schwarzau im Gebirge
Schwarzau im Gebirge is a town in the district of Neunkirchen in the Austrian state of Lower Austria.- External links :*...

). At the summit of the pass is a small chapel. A tarmac state road (Landesstraße) runs over the pass. The road runs from northeast to southwest along the northern slopes of the Schneeberg. Because of the sparse population of the region the pass only is only of local significance. It is not closed in winter.

See also

  • List of highest paved roads in Europe
  • List of mountain passes
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