Klass Jan Noorman
Dr Klass Jan Noormanhas a PhD from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen on ECCO Models. ECCO models were first developed by Malcolm Slesser et al. in Edinburgh in the late 1990s along with Jay Baguant, Dr. Anupam Saraph
, Dr. Wouter Besiot
, Dr. Klass Jan Noorman and Jane King
Anupam Saraph
Anupam Saraph is a respected innovator and polymath who has been an advisor in governance, informatics and strategic planning. Anupam Saraph obtained a PhD from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in Informatics while working with the IMAGE team at the RIVM and IVEM in the Netherlands. He is an...
, Dr. Wouter Besiot
Wouter Besiot
Dr Wouter Besiot was an Associate Professor and the Head of the Energy and Materials Group at the Interfacultaire Vakgroep Energie en Miliukunde at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Besiot is best known for his work on Response Time and Respite Time. ECCO models were first developed by Malcolm...
, Dr. Klass Jan Noorman and Jane King
Jane King
Jane King is a St. Lucian poet, a leading West Indian writer of the generation born after World War II. She was born in Castries but had a peripatetic childhood, as her family spent time in Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Scotland during her early years. She won a St Lucia island scholarship to...