Kitchen Boss
Kitchen Boss is an American television series that currently airs on TLC
TLC (TV channel)
TLC is an American cable TV specialty channel which initially focused on educational content. Since 1991 TLC has been owned by Discovery Communications, the same company that operates the Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and The Science Channel, as well as other learning-themed networks...

, hosted by Buddy Valastro, the star of Cake Boss
Cake Boss
Cake Boss is an American reality television series, airing on the cable television network TLC. Set at Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey, the show mainly follows Buddy Valastro, his mother, four sisters, and three brothers-in-law, as they operate their business, with a focus on how they make...

. The weekday series debuted January 25, 2011.

Unlike the documentary series Cake Boss and the reality series Next Great Baker
Next Great Baker
Next Great Baker is an American television series that aired on TLC, hosted by Buddy Valastro, the star of his own reality series, Cake Boss. The show features contestants participating in challenges that test their baking and decorating skills...

, Kitchen Boss is a studio-based, straight cooking program, in which Buddy cooks various Italian dishes
Italian cuisine
Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of social and political changes, with roots as far back as the 4th century BCE. Italian cuisine in itself takes heavy influences, including Etruscan, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, Byzantine, Jewish and Arab cuisines...

from his family's recipes. Buddy is usually joined in the kitchen by members of his family and other special guests.

All the recipes featured in this program feature recipes that can be prepared in minimal time, using ingredients that are easily-obtainable and affordable; each meal featured generally consists of the main dish, a side dish and a dessert. Each recipe is also easy to follow, with Buddy referring to the website for additional details and instructions.
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