Kinokuniya Bunzaemon
Kinokuniya Bunzaemon(1669–1734) was a Japanese merchant of the Edo period
Edo period
The , or , is a division of Japanese history which was ruled by the shoguns of the Tokugawa family, running from 1603 to 1868. The political entity of this period was the Tokugawa shogunate....

, specializing in citrus, lumber, and salmon, among other goods. He enjoyed the favoritism and protection of shogunal advisor Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu
Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu
was a Japanese samurai of the Edo period He was an official in the Tokugawa shogunate and he was a favorite of the fifth shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi....

 and shogunal minister of finances Ogura Shigehide, and made a sizeable fortune as a result. When these two retired, so did Kinokuniya.
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