Kimarite are winning techniques in a sumo
is a competitive full-contact sport where a wrestler attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring or to touch the ground with anything other than the soles of the feet. The sport originated in Japan, the only country where it is practiced professionally...

 bout. For each bout in a Grand Sumo tournament (or honbasho
A is an official professional sumo tournament. There are six held each year, a system established in 1958. Only honbasho results matter in determining promotion and relegation for rikishi ....

), a sumo referee, or gyoji
A Gyōji is a referee in professional sumo wrestling in Japan.Gyōji usually enter the sumo world as teenagers and remain employees of the Sumo Association until they retire aged 65.-Responsibilities:...

, will decide and announce the type of kimarite used by the winner. It is possible, or kanou (although rare, or mezurashii) for the judges, or shimpan
are the judges of a professional sumo bout. In a sumo honbasho tournament five shimpan sit around the ring to observe which wrestler wins the matchup. When judging tournament bouts they wear formal Japanese dress of otokomono, haori with mon, and hakama...

, to modify this decision, or hanketsu, later (or, ato de). Records of the kimarite are kept and statistical information on the preferred techniques of different wrestlers can be deduced easily. For example a pie chart
Pie chart
A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector , is proportional to the quantity it represents. When angles are measured with 1 turn as unit then a number of percent is identified with the same number of centiturns...

 of the kimarite used by each sekitori
A sekitori is a sumo wrestler who is ranked in one of the top two professional divisions: makuuchi and juryo.Currently there are 70 rikishi in these divisions...

in the past year can be found on the Japan Sumo Association
Japan Sumo Association
The is the body that operates and controls professional sumo wrestling in Japan under the jurisdiction of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Rikishi , gyōji , tokoyama , and yobidashi , are all on the Association's payroll, but the organisation is run...

 webpage for each individual rikishi.

Currently the Japan Sumo Association recognises eighty-two types of kimarite, but only about a dozen are used regularly. For example, yorikiri, oshidashi and hatakikomi are frequent methods used to win bouts. In addition to kimarite, a bout can end in a disqualification if either wrestler makes a foul (禁手 kinjite), such as striking with a closed fist.

The following is a full list of kimarite. Literal translations of the Japanese are also given.

Abisetaoshi 浴せ倒し

Forcing down the opponent on their back by leaning forward while in a grappling position (backward force down).#1

Oshidashi 押し出し

Pushing the opponent out of the ring without holding their mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

, nor fully extending his arms. Hand contact must be maintained through the push (front push out).#2

Oshitaoshi 押し倒し

Pushing the opponent down out of the ring (the opponent falls out of the ring instead of backing out) without holding their mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

. Hand contact is maintained throughout the push (front push down).

Tsukidashi 突き出し

Thrusting the opponent backwards out of the ring with one or a series of hand thrusts. The attacker does not have to maintain hand contact (front thrust out).

Tsukitaoshi 突き倒し

Thrusting the opponent down out of the ring (the opponent falls over the edge) onto their back with a hard thrust or shove (front thrust down).

Yorikiri 寄り切り

Maintaining a grip on the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

, the opponent is forced backwards out of the ring (front force out).

Yoritaoshi 寄り倒し

Maintaining a grip on the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

, the opponent is forced backwards out of the ring and collapses on their back from the force of the attack (front crush out).

Ipponzeoi 一本背負い

While moving backwards to the side, the opponent is pulled past the attacker and out of the ring by grabbing and pulling their arm with both hands (one-armed shoulder throw).

Kakenage 掛け投げ

Lifting the opponent's thigh with one's leg, while grasping the opponent with both arms, and then throwing the off-balance opponent to the ground (hooking inner thigh throw).

Koshinage 腰投げ

Bending over and pulling the opponent over the attacker's hip, then throwing the opponent to the ground on their back (hip throw).

Kotenage 小手投げ

The attacker wraps their arm around the opponent's extended arm (差し手 - gripping arm), then throws the opponent to the ground without touching their mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

. A common move (armlock throw).

Kubinage 首投げ

The attacker wraps the opponent's head (or neck) in his arms, throwing him down (headlock throw).

Nichonage 二丁投げ

Extending the right (left) leg around the outside of the opponent's right (left) knee thereby sweeping both of his legs off the surface and throwing him down (body drop throw).

Shitatedashinage 下手出し投げ

The attacker extends their arm under the opponent's arm to grab the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 while dragging the opponent forwards and/or to the side, throwing them to the ground (pulling underarm throw).

Shitatenage 下手投げ

The attacker extends their arm under the opponent's arm to grab the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 and turns sideways, pulling the opponent down and throwing them to the ground (underarm throw).

Sukuinage 掬い投げ

The attacker extends their arm under the opponent's armpit and across their back while turning sideways, forcing the opponent forward and throwing him to the ground without touching the mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 (beltless arm throw).

Tsukaminage つかみ投げ

The attacker grabs the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 and lifts his body off the surface, pulling them into the air past the attacker and throwing them down (lifting throw).

Uwatedashinage 上手出し投げ

The attacker extends their arm over the opponent's arm/back to grab the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 while pulling them forwards to the ground (pulling overarm throw).

Uwatenage 上手投げ

The attacker extends their arm over the opponent's arm to grab the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 and throws the opponent to the ground while turning sideways (overarm throw).

Yaguranage 櫓投げ

With both wrestlers grasping each other's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

, pushing one's leg up under the opponent's groin, lifting them off the surface and then throwing them down on their side (inner thigh throw).

Ashitori 足取り

Grabbing the opponent's leg and pulling upward with both hands, causing the opponent to fall over (leg pick).

Chongake ちょん掛け

Hooking a heel under the opponent's opposite heel and forcing them to fall over backwards by pushing or twisting their arm (pulling heel hook).

Kawazugake 河津掛け

Wrapping one's leg around the opponent's leg of the opposite side, and tripping him backwards while grasping onto his upper body (hooking backward counter throw).

Kekaeshi 蹴返し

Kicking the inside of the opponent's foot. This is usually accompanied by a quick pull that causes the opponent to lose balance and fall (minor inner foot sweep).

Ketaguri 蹴手繰り

Directly after tachi-ai
The tachi-ai is the initial charge between two sumo wrestlers at the beginning of a bout.There are several common techniques that wrestlers use at the tachi-ai, with the aim of getting a decisive advantage in the bout:...

, kicking the opponent's legs to the outside and thrusting or twisting him down to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (pulling inside ankle sweep).

Kirikaeshi 切り返し

The attacker places their leg behind the knee of the opponent, and while twisting the opponent sideways and backwards, sweeps them over the attacker's leg and throws them down (twisting backward knee trip).

Komatasukui 小股掬い

When an opponent responds to being thrown and puts his leg out forward to balance himself, grabbing the underside of the thigh and lifting it up, throwing the opponent down (over thigh scooping body drop).

Kozumatori 小褄取り

Lifting the opponent's ankle from the front, causing them to fall (ankle pick).

Mitokorozeme 三所攻め

A triple attack. Wrapping one leg around the opponent's (inside leg trip), grabbing the other leg behind the thigh, and thrusting the head into the opponent's chest, the attacker pushes them up and off the surface, then throwing them down on their back (triple attack force out).

Nimaigeri 二枚蹴り

Kicking an off-balance opponent on the outside of their standing leg's foot, then throwing him to the surface (ankle kicking twist down).

Omata 大股

When the opponent escapes from a komatsukui by extending the other foot, the attacker switches to lift the opponent's other off-balance foot and throws him down (thigh scooping body drop).

Sotogake 外掛け

Wrapping the calf around the opponent's calf from the outside and driving them over backwards (outside leg trip). The UFC light heavyweight champion Lyoto Machida
Lyoto Machida
Lyoto Carvalho Machida is a Japanese-Brazilian mixed martial artist from Belém, Brazil who fights as a light heavyweight in the Ultimate Fighting Championship...

, with a sumo background, has successfully used this multiple times in the course of his mixed martial arts career.

Sotokomata 外小股

Directly after a nage or hikkake is avoided by the opponent, grabbing the opponent's thigh from the outside, lifting it, and throwing them down on their back (over thigh scooping body drop).

Susoharai 裾払い

Directly after a nage or hikkake is avoided by the opponent, driving the knee under the opponent's thigh and pulling them down to the surface (rear foot sweep).

Susotori 裾取り

Directly after a nage is avoided by the opponent, grabbing the ankle of the opponent and pulling them down to the surface (ankle pick).

Tsumatori 褄取り

As the opponent is losing their balance to the front (or is moving forward), grabbing the leg and pulling it back, thereby ensuring the opponent falls to the surface (rear toe pick).

Uchigake 内掛け

Wrapping the calf around the opponent's calf from the inside and forcing them down on their back (inside leg trip).

Watashikomi 渡し込み

While against the ring of the surface, the attacker grabs the underside of the opponent's thigh or knee with one hand and pushes with the other arm, thereby forcing the opponent out or down (thigh grabbing push down).

Amiuchi 網打ち

A throw with both arms pulling on the opponent's arm, causing the opponent to fall over forward (the fisherman's throw). It is so named because it resembles the traditional Japanese technique for casting fishing nets.

Gasshohineri 合掌捻り

With both hands clasped around the opponent's back, the opponent is twisted over sideways (clasped hand twist down). See Tokkurinage.

Harimanage 波離間投げ

Reaching over the opponents back and grabbing hold of their mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

, the opponent is pulled over in front or beside the attacker (backward belt throw).

Kainahineri 腕捻り

Wrapping both arms around the opponent's extended arm and forcing him down to the dohyo by way of one's shoulder (two-handed arm twist down). (Similar to the tottari, but the body is positioned differently)

Katasukashi 肩透かし

Wrapping two hands around opponent's arm, both grasping the opponent's shoulder and forcing him down (under-shoulder swing down).

Makiotoshi 巻き落とし

Reacting quickly to an opponent's actions, twisting the opponent's off-balance body down to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 without grasping the mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 (twist down).

Osakate 大逆手

Taking the opponent's arm extended over one's arm and twisting the arm downward, while grabbing the opponent's body and throwing it in the same direction as the arm (backward twisting overarm throw).

Sabaori 鯖折り

Grabbing the opponent's mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 while pulling out and down, forcing the opponent's knees to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (forward force down).

Sakatottari 逆とったり

To wrap one arm around the opponent's extended arm while grasping onto the opponent's wrist with the other hand, twisting and forcing the opponent down (arm bar throw counter or "anti-tottari").

Shitatehineri 下手捻り

Extending the arm under the opponent's arm to grasp the mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

, then pulling the mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 down until the opponent falls or touches his knee to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (twisting underarm throw).

Sotomuso 外無双

Using the left (right) hand to grab onto the outside of the opponent's right (left) knee and twisting the opponent over one's left (right) knee (outer thigh propping twist down).

Tokkurinage 徳利投げ

Grasping the opponent's neck or head with both hands and twisting him down to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

  (two handed head twist down).

Tottari とったり

Wrapping both arms around the opponent's extended arm and forcing him forward down to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (arm bar throw).

Tsukiotoshi 突き落とし

Twisting the opponent down to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 by forcing the arms on the opponent's upper torso, off of his center of gravity (thrust down).

Uchimuso 内無双

Using the left (right) hand to grab onto the outside of the opponent's left (right) knee and twisting the opponent down (inner thigh propping twist down).

Uwatehineri 上手捻り

Extending the arm over the opponent's arm to grasp the mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

, then pulling the mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 down until the opponent falls or touches his knee to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (twisting overarm throw).

Zubuneri ずぶねり

When the head is used to thrust an opponent down during a hineri (head pivot throw).

Izori 居反り

Diving under the charge of the opponent, the attacker grabs behind one or both of the opponent's knees, or their mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 and pulls them up and over backwards (backwards body drop).

Kakezori 掛け反り

Putting one's head under the opponent's extended arm and body, and forcing the opponent backwards over one's legs (hooking backwards body drop).

Shumokuzori 撞木反り

In the same position as a tasukizori, but the wrestler throws himself backwards, thus ensuring that his opponent lands first under him (bell hammer drop). The name is derived from the similarity to the shape of Japanese bell hammers.

Sototasukizori 外たすき反り

With one arm around the opponents arm and one arm around the opponents leg, lifting the opponent and throwing him sideways and backwards (outer reverse backwards body drop).

Tasukizori たすき反り

With one arm around the opponents arm and one arm around the opponents leg, lifting the opponent perpendicular across the shoulders and throwing him down (kimono-string drop). The name refers to the cords used to tie the sleeves of the traditional Japanese kimono
The is a Japanese traditional garment worn by men, women and children. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" , has come to denote these full-length robes...


Tsutaezori 伝え反り

Shifting the extended opponent's arm around and twisting the opponent behind one's back and down to the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (underarm forward body drop).

Hatakikomi 叩き込み

Slapping down the opponent's shoulder, back, or arm and forcing them to fall forwards touching the clay (slap down).

Hikiotoshi 引き落とし

Pulling on the opponent's shoulder, arm, or mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 and forcing them to fall forwards touching the clay (hand pull down).

Hikkake 引っ掛け

While moving backwards to the side, the opponent is pulled passed the attacker and out of the ring by grabbing and pulling their arm with both hands (arm grabbing force out).

Kimedashi 極め出し

Immobilizing the opponent's arms and shoulders with one's arms and forcing him out of the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (arm barring force out).

Kimetaoshi 極め倒し

Immobilizing the opponent's arms and shoulders with one's arms and forcing him down (arm barring force down).

Okuridashi 送り出し

To push an off-balance opponent out of the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 from behind (rear push out).

Okuritsuridashi 送り吊り出し

To pick up the opponent by his mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 from behind and throw him out of the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (rear lift out).

Okuritsuriotoshi 送り吊り落とし

To pick up the opponent by his mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 from behind and throw him down on the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (rear lifting body slam).

Sokubiotoshi 素首落とし

Pushing the opponent's head down from the back of the neck (head chop down).

Tsuridashi 吊り出し

While wrestlers face each other, to pick up the opponent by his mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 and deliver him outside of the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (lift out).

Tsuriotoshi 吊り落とし

While wrestlers face each other, to pick up the opponent by his mawashi
In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a keshō-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.-Mawashi:...

 and slam him onto the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (lifting body slam).

Ushiromotare 後ろもたれ

While the opponent is behind the wrestler, to back up and push him out of the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

 (backward lean out).

Utchari うっちゃり

When near the edge of the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

, to bend oneself backwards and twist the opponent's body until he steps out of the dohyo
thumb|A dohyōThe dohyō is the ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. A modern dohyo is a circle of rice-straw bales 4.55 meters in diameter, mounted on a square platform of clay 6.7m on a side, and 34 to 60 cm high. The surface is covered by sand.A new dohyō is built prior to each...

(backward pivot throw).

Waridashi 割り出し

To push one foot of the opponent out of the ring from the side, extending the arm across the opponent's body and using the leg to force him off balance (upper-arm force out).

Yobimodoshi 呼び戻し

Reacting to the opponent's reaction to the attacker's inside pull, the attacker pulls them off by grabbing around them around the waist, before throwing them down (pulling body slam).

Hiwaza 非技

Non-techniques. There are five ways in which a wrestler can win without employing a technique.

Fumidashi 踏み出し

The opponent accidentally takes a backward step outside the ring with no attack initiated against him (rear step out).

Isamiashi 勇み足

In the performance of a kimarite the opponent inadvertently steps too far forward and places a foot outside the ring. (forward step out).

Koshikudake 腰砕け

The opponent falls over backwards without a technique being initiated against him. This usually happens because he has over-committed to an attack. (inadvertent collapse).

Tsukihiza つきひざ

The opponent stumbles and lands on one or both knees without any significant prior contact with the winning wrestler (knee touch down).

Tsukite つき手

The opponent stumbles and lands on one or both hands without any significant prior contact with the winning wrestler (hand touch down).
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