who, on February 23, 1998, made a satirical pamphlet called "First Amendment" and passed it out to fellow students. The pamphlet contained poems, essays, cartoons, and writings, several of which were deemed objectionable by the school administration. Included were a drawing of a dart through the head of the school's principal, Timothy Dawson.
"I hope that, at the very least, as a result of this lawsuit no other student will ever have to undergo what I and my classmates were subjected to," -Liliana Cuesta, One of the Killian Nine
"We had genuine concerns about the way in which the school was being run and the lack of resources for art students. Maybe we could have said what we said better, but no one should be treated like we were just because we challenged the principal's authority." -Liliana Cuesta
"Anonymous pamphleteering and political satire have a long and honorable tradition in America (including the Federalist Papers) and that type of speech is clearly protected by the First Amendment. Attempts to limit anonymous writings are unconstitutional" -Prof. Steven Wisotsky, Lead attorney in the case
"All across the country, students say things and publish materials that may upset and greatly offend school officials, but I do not know of any incident, other than the Killian 9 matter, where school officials so grossly overreacted and retaliated by having students arrested, charged and thrown in jail." -Howard Simon, Executive Director of the ACLU of Florida
"it is preposterous that in 1998 you can arrest someone for simply not agreeing with what they wrote" -David Morales, One of the Killian Nine