is a manga by Hideki Arai
. It tells the story of the main character's life beginning at the age of three. Serialized in Big Comics Superior for nine volumes, went on a prolonged hiatus before returning with a new title, as Kiichi VS.
The second arc of the story begins with Kiichi in fifth grade, teaming up with a much more verbal and intelligent friend. They attempt to save a girl from classroom bullies, and then discover her father is forcing her to work as a prostitute. Political pressure keeps the police from doing anything about it, and they are forced to stage a hostage crisis in front of the capitol building to gain media attention.
Kiichi VS takes place ten years later, and finds Kiichi running a large organization dedicated to improving the world.
Hideki Arai
is a Japanese manga artist. He received the 38th Shogakukan Manga Award for general manga in 1993 for Miyamoto kara Kimi e...
. It tells the story of the main character's life beginning at the age of three. Serialized in Big Comics Superior for nine volumes, went on a prolonged hiatus before returning with a new title, as Kiichi VS.
The series begins with Kiichi, aged three, and living with his parents. In the second volume they are killed, and he runs away from home. After living with some homeless people for a while, he ends up surviving in the woods by himself for nearly a year before being returned to his grandparents.The second arc of the story begins with Kiichi in fifth grade, teaming up with a much more verbal and intelligent friend. They attempt to save a girl from classroom bullies, and then discover her father is forcing her to work as a prostitute. Political pressure keeps the police from doing anything about it, and they are forced to stage a hostage crisis in front of the capitol building to gain media attention.
Kiichi VS takes place ten years later, and finds Kiichi running a large organization dedicated to improving the world.
- Kiichi!! 1, ISBN 4091860613
- Kiichi!! 2, ISBN 4091860621
- Kiichi!! 3, ISBN 409186063X
- Kiichi!! 4, ISBN 4091860648
- Kiichi!! 5, ISBN 4091860656
- Kiichi!! 6, ISBN 4091860664
- Kiichi!! 7, ISBN 4091860672
- Kiichi!! 8, ISBN 4091860680
- Kiichi!! 9, ISBN 4091803806
- Kiichi VS 1, ISBN 9784091818683