Kid Shanahan
Joseph A. Shanahan also known as Kid Shanahan or Thomas Lynch, was a New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

 criminal, river pirate and member of the Patsy Conroy Gang
Patsy Conroy Gang
The Patsy or Patsey Conroy Gang were a group of river pirates active along the New York waterfront of the old Fourth Ward during the post-American Civil War era. For nearly twenty years, the Patsy Conroys dominated the area of Corlears' Hook and were one of the last major waterfront gangs to remain...

. In May 1883, he was convicted with Thomas J. Reily, James McMann and James Moran
James Moran
James Moran may refer to:* Jim Moran , U.S. Congressman from Virginia* James Moran, Sr. , American football guard* James Moran , British screenwriter* James Byron Moran , U.S...

 of the attempted robbery of the sloop Victor while anchored at Flushing Bay. Upon boarding the vessel, they were forced to jump overboard at gunpoint by the ship's mate John Williams, although he rescued three of the would be assailants from drowning while the gang's leader Moran was picked up by Captain Price of the nearby sloop Rebecca. Held in The Tombs
The Tombs
"The Tombs" is the colloquial name for the Manhattan Detention Complex, a jail in Lower Manhattan at 125 White Street, as well as the popular name of a series of preceding downtown jails, the first of which was built in 1838 in the Egyptian Revival style of architecture.The nickname has been used...

 in place of a $3,000 bail, Shanahan was tried for burglary and felonius assault, pleading guility to all changes. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment at Sing Sing Prison.
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