Khmer Unity Party
The Alliance of the National Community (Sangkum Cheat Niyum) that represented four parties had all of its four parties merge together and be transformed into a political party called the Sangkum Jatiniyum (Community Coalition) Front Party and one of them is the Khmer Unity Party.

The Khmer Unity Party, is an Cambodia
Cambodia , officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country located in the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia...

n opposition party founded in 1997 by its actual president Khieu Rada
Khieu Rada
Khieu Rada is a Cambodian politician. He is the son of Khieu In and Sing Tep.- Education :* C final exam , M.G.P....

, who was previously part of the royalist FUNCINPEC
FUNCINPEC is a royalist political party in Cambodia. Before the 2008 election, FUNCINPEC and the Cambodian People's Party formed a coalition government, although FUNCINPEC's significance has decreased steadily since 1998, when it had an equal relationship with the CPP in the coalition.FUNCINPEC is...

party. It declares itself a "liberal, democratic and nationalist" party.
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