Kharwa is a village in Ratlam District, Madhya Pradesh (MP), India. It is about 85 Kilometers fro Ujjain and about 80 Kilometers from Ratlam. It is located on the road connecting Ujjain to Neemach. It was formerly the capital of Panth Piploda Province of British India. Nearest Railway station, Mehidpur Road is about 7 KM from Kharwa.
It is more a village than a town. It has got few British era buildings including one Mission School, a hostel building and a couple of huge bunglows. One impressive structure is a church, the "Harcourt Memorial Church", was built in the early years of 20th Century. Now only a handful people live in these old buildings. Without proper maintenance, the buildings are slowly losing their sheen.
The main profession of this village is agriculture. The area also grows opium.
It falls under Alot taluka of Ratlam District. Only one road connects it to the nearby cities and towns with bus service. The nearest railway station, Mahidpur Road is around 7 km. Many of the kharwas and kharvas in South Africa are related.
It is more a village than a town. It has got few British era buildings including one Mission School, a hostel building and a couple of huge bunglows. One impressive structure is a church, the "Harcourt Memorial Church", was built in the early years of 20th Century. Now only a handful people live in these old buildings. Without proper maintenance, the buildings are slowly losing their sheen.
The main profession of this village is agriculture. The area also grows opium.
It falls under Alot taluka of Ratlam District. Only one road connects it to the nearby cities and towns with bus service. The nearest railway station, Mahidpur Road is around 7 km. Many of the kharwas and kharvas in South Africa are related.