Kerala Vision
Kerala Vision is a private Malayalam 24-hour General Entertainment and News channel prompoted by Kerala Communications Cable Ltd. The majority of the shares are owned by the members of Cable Operators Association (COA). The channel is available only through the cable operators.
Kerala Vision reaches 70 % of geographical area across 12 Districts of Kerala and in terms of reach is much ahead of its main competitor. Kerala Vision channel operates from its leased studio complex located at Kadavanthra, Cochin, with an area of 3000 sq ft (278.7 m²). It has two fully equipped studio floors apart from Transmission Unit and offices of both KCCL and Channel. Kerala Vision channel has signed long-term agreement with RAILTEL and KSEB for using their Optical Fiber Cable.
In order to diversify its content and launch News and News based programmes, Kerala Vision has already initiated certain business associations with CNN IBN, one of the main News channels in the country, for national and global news content, exchange etc.
For local News, programmes etc, KV plans to utilize the strength and support of the community of local operators spread far and wide across the state.
In 2006, KCCL successfully launched its first project - Kerala Vision Channel; through this initiative, KCCL brought all independent cable net works of Kerala under a common brand name Kerala Vision which is capable of delivering popular and variety programmes to the nooks and corner of Kerala - from Kasargod to Trivandrum. It is the first IP TV (Internet Protocol TV) technology-enabled Cable channel in India.Kerala Vision reaches 70 % of geographical area across 12 Districts of Kerala and in terms of reach is much ahead of its main competitor. Kerala Vision channel operates from its leased studio complex located at Kadavanthra, Cochin, with an area of 3000 sq ft (278.7 m²). It has two fully equipped studio floors apart from Transmission Unit and offices of both KCCL and Channel. Kerala Vision channel has signed long-term agreement with RAILTEL and KSEB for using their Optical Fiber Cable.
By now, Kerala Vision by created a niche of its own through its wide reach, variety of programming and popularity. Breaking away from the stereotyped programmes of Satellite Channels in Malayalam, Keralavision’s motto is to become a channel for the malayalees, by the malayalees and to the malayalees. Its programmes aim to celebrate and bring out the essence of Kerala, in all its diversity and splendor. Apart from that, an innovative SMS Game Show titled Kalikkalam was also launched in Kerala Vision which attracts tremendous viewership. KV has a separate film library with a film strength more than 100 (hundred) with telecast rights. Currently KV telecasts more than 30 (thirty) variety programmes which attracts people of all classes, regions, gender and age. Within the short span of its existence, KV has succeeded in finding an own position and influence of its own in Malayalam television industry.In order to diversify its content and launch News and News based programmes, Kerala Vision has already initiated certain business associations with CNN IBN, one of the main News channels in the country, for national and global news content, exchange etc.
For local News, programmes etc, KV plans to utilize the strength and support of the community of local operators spread far and wide across the state.
keralavision news
keralavision news is going to start soon.News studio is located at puthukad near thrissur.Future Projects
The success of the Kerala Vision Channel has prompted its promoters to go ahead with a new initiative, ‘The Digital Television Project’. The new project will radically change the present scenario of Cable TV business in Kerala. IP TV (Internet Protocol TV), Addressable System etc. are some of the major attractions of Kerala Digital TV project. The value added services include- Live Broadcast TV
- Video on Demand
- Internet on TV
- Gaming
- e-Education/e-Magazine
- Customer Relationship Management