Kentarou Kanesaki
is a Japanese actor and singer. He's performed as Genichirou Sanada, from The Prince of Tennis
The Prince of Tennis
is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Takeshi Konomi. The title is often shortened to , a portmanteau of the two parts in the Japanese pronunciation of the words "Tennis Prince". The manga was first published in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in July 1999, and ended...

musicals series, Tenimyu
The Prince of Tennis Musical , also known as "TeniPuri Musical," "Tenimyu," or "GekiPuri" , is a series of live action stage musicals directed by Yukio Ueshima based on manga series The Prince of Tennis created by Takeshi Konomi and serialized by Shueisha in Weekly Shonen Jump.The first musical...

. He was born in Yamaguchi Prefecture
Yamaguchi Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan in the Chūgoku region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Yamaguchi, in the center of the prefecture. The largest city, however, is Shimonoseki.- History :...



  • 2005 NIKE WORLD CUP Show - Tokyo Motor Show 2005 Production Booth

  • Ashes and The Diamonds as Ruby
  • Musical Dear Boys - VS. East Honmoku as Mamoru Fujisawa
  • The Dream of Flamingo「フラミンゴの夢」

  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - Absolute King Rikkai feat Rokkaku ~ First Service (Winter of 2006-2007)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - Dream Live 4th (2007)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - Absolute King Rikkai feat Rokkaku ~ Second Service (2007)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - The Progressive Match Higa feat Rikkai (2007)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - Dream Live 5th (2008)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - Dream Live 6th (2009)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - The Final Match Rikkai First (2009)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - The Final Match Rikkai Second feat. Rivals (Winter to Spring of 2009-2010)
  • The Prince of Tennis Musical - Dream Live 7th (2010)


  • Musical The Prince of Tennis Best Actor's Series 009 Kentarou Kanesaki as Genichirou Sanada and Ren Yagami as Seiichi Yukimura
Track Listings

  1. "Galaxy"
  2. "HOLIDAY"
  3. "Hatsukoi"
  4. "Instrumental - Inui vs Yanagi"
  5. "Makeru Koto no Yurusarenai Ouja - Hijou no Tennis"
  6. "Instrumental - Fuji vs Kirihara"
  7. "Instrumental - Ryoma vs Sanada"
  8. "Kimi Wo Shinjiteru"
  9. "Mou Mayoi wa Nai"
  10. "Kanesaki Kentarou & Yagami Ren Message for you"


  • 2475 count -> L/OVE
  • TIAN
  • Natural Face vol. 01
  • Natural Face vol. 04
  • Natural Face vol. 06
  • Natural Face vol. 08
  • Talking Face (Kanesaki Kentarou x Herbie Yamaguchi) vol.6

External links

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