Kazuya Kuroda
is a Japanese animator
An animator is an artist who creates multiple images that give an illusion of movement called animation when displayed in rapid sequence; the images are called frames and key frames. Animators can work in a variety of fields including film, television, video games, and the internet. Usually, an...

, character designer and illustrator
An Illustrator is a narrative artist who specializes in enhancing writing by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text...

. He made with his debut with the Gainax
is a Japanese anime studio famous for productions such as Gunbuster, The Wings of Honneamise, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann which have gone on to critical acclaim and commercial success, as well as for their association with...

 series, Top Wo Nerae!
Gunbuster, known in Japan as is a six episode anime OVA series created by Gainax in 1988. It was the directorial debut of Hideaki Anno, best known as the director of Neon Genesis Evangelion. The title is a combination of the titles of classic tennis anime Aim for the Ace!, whose plot inspired...

and Fushigi no Umi no Nadia
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
is a Japanese animated television series inspired by the works of Jules Verne, particularly Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and the exploits of Captain Nemo...

, where he contributed the in-between and key animation respectively. He was then the character designer and the chief animation director of Gonzo's Vandread
is a Japanese anime series directed by Takeshi Mori and created by Gonzo and Media Factory animation studios. It also utilizes well-animated characters and cleanly rendered CG action sequences....

, where his style of art and animation, especially of the female characters, brought him a great number of fans and renown.

TV anime

  • Fushigi no Umi no Nadia
    Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
    is a Japanese animated television series inspired by the works of Jules Verne, particularly Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and the exploits of Captain Nemo...

    (in-between and key animation)
  • Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon S
    Sailor Moon
    Sailor Moon, known as , is a media franchise created by manga artist Naoko Takeuchi. Fred Patten credits Takeuchi with popularizing the concept of a team of magical girls, and Paul Gravett credits the series with "revitalizing" the magical-girl genre itself...

    (animation director)
  • Musekinin Kanchō Tylor
    The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
    is an anime series based on light novel series by Hitoshi Yoshioka. It was produced by some of Japan's larger studios, including Big West, Tatsunoko Production, King Records and VAP....

    (key animation)
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion (key animation)
  • VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fire
    VS Knight Lamune & 40 Fire
    is a Japanese anime, and manga television series, sequel to 1990's NG Knight Lamune & 40. The character designer for the series was Tsukasa Kotobuki, noted for Saber Marionette...

    (animation character design and animation director)
  • Master of Mosquiton 99 (character design)
  • Gate Keepers
    Gate Keepers
    is primarily a role-playing game for the PlayStation. The game was then adapted into a manga series written by and drawn by Keiji Gotoh and an anime series produced by Gonzo, and first aired on April 3, 2000.....

    (animation director)
  • Vandread
    is a Japanese anime series directed by Takeshi Mori and created by Gonzo and Media Factory animation studios. It also utilizes well-animated characters and cleanly rendered CG action sequences....

    (character design and chief animation director)
  • Vandread: The Second Stage (character design and chief animation director)
  • Chrono Crusade
    Chrono Crusade
    , also known as Chrno Crusade due to a typo in the original logo, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Moriyama. It was originally published by Kadokawa Shoten in Dragon Magazine which began serialization in November 1998. A 24-episode anime television series based on the...

    (character design and chief animation director)
  • Saishū Heiki Kanojo
    is a manga, anime, and OVA series by Shin Takahashi, creator of Iihito and Kimi no Kakera. Saikano was originally serialized in Shogakukan's Big Comic Spirits magazine....

    (key animation)
  • Chōjūshin Gravion
    is an anime television series produced by Gonzo. It aired in Japan from October 7, 2002 to December 16, 2002 and ran for 13 episodes. In 2004, was released and aired from January 8 to March 25 in Japan, running for twelve additional episodes, answering the questions generated from the first...

    (key animation)
  • Raimuiro Senkitan
    Raimuiro Senkitan
    is a 13 episode anime that aired in Japan between January 5, 2003 and March 30, 2003. It is based on a hentai game by ELF, giving the series heavy doses of sexual innuendos as well as girls in both their underwear and fully nude .It has two sequels: a second season Raimuiro Ryukitan X; and a 2...

    (key animation)
  • Kaibutsu Ōjo (character design and chief animation director)
  • Spice and Wolf
    Spice and Wolf
    is a Japanese light novel series written by Isuna Hasekura, with illustrations by Jū Ayakura. ASCII Media Works published 17 novels between February 2006 and July 2011 under their Dengeki Bunko imprint. ASCII Media Works reported that as of October 2008, over 2.2 million copies of the first nine...

    (character design and chief animation director)


  • Top Wo Nerae!
    Gunbuster, known in Japan as is a six episode anime OVA series created by Gainax in 1988. It was the directorial debut of Hideaki Anno, best known as the director of Neon Genesis Evangelion. The title is a combination of the titles of classic tennis anime Aim for the Ace!, whose plot inspired...

    (in-between animation)
  • 1982 Otaku no Video
    Otaku no Video
    is a 1991 comedy anime spoofing the life and culture of otaku, individuals with obsessive interests in media, particularly anime and manga, as well as the history of Gainax, its creators. It is noted for its mix of conventional documentary film styles , with a more traditional anime storytelling...

    (key animation)
  • 1985 Zoku Otaku no Video (key animation)
  • Teito Monogatari: Chapter 1
    Teito Monogatari
    is a massive Japanese historical fantasy epic written by Hiroshi Aramata.-Overview:The story is a retelling of the history of Edo from an occultist perspective. The premise is based on the idea that the curse of Taira no Masakado greatly influenced the city's history from its inception to the...

    (key animation)
  • Macross Dynamite 7
    Macross Dynamite 7
    is an anime OVA set one year after the events in Macross 7. Released in 1997 in celebration of Macross' 15th anniversary, Macross Dynamite 7 was a four episode OVA that continued the Macross 7 series' story.-Synopsis:...

    (OP/ED animation)
  • Dōkyūsei 2
    Dokyusei 2
    is a video games published by ELF and sequel to Dokyusei. Dokyusei 2 was released in 1995 in DOS version and in 1997 in Windows version....

    (episodes 11 and 12 key animation)
  • Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo (key animation)
  • Sakura Taisen: Ōka Kenran (character design)
  • Sakura Taisen: Gōka Kenran (character design)
  • Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei (character design)

Adult anime

  • Hōkago Mania Club (package key animation and poster key animation)
  • Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro
    Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro
    , also known just as , is a Japanese eroge visual novel game, originally released by Ciel in 25 June 2004, which was adapted into an adult anime, released as an OVA and produced by Himajin, its first episode being published in 28 July 2006, and second episode on 27 June 2008.- Story :The story...

    (character design and chief animation director) (Note: The original character designs were done by Tony Taka and appeared in a hentai game by the same name as the animation, in which Kazuya Kuroda only redrew the characters. Basically, he designed the characters in his own style by copying another artist's character designs.)
  • 15 Beautiful Girls Adrift (character design and chief animation director) (Note: All girls were covergirls from the BugBug Magazine)

Anime films

  • Yū Yū Hakusho: Meikai Shitō-hen Honō no Kizuna (key animation)
  • Tenchi Muyō!: TENCHI MUYO in LOVE (animation director)


  • Gate Keepers (animation director)
  • Akiba-kei Kanojo (key telephone card
    Telephone card
    A telephone card, calling card or phone card for short, is a small plastic card, sized and shaped like a credit card, used to pay for telephone services. It is not necessary to have the physical card except with a stored-value system; knowledge of the access telephone number to dial and the PIN is...

     illustrations; 18+)


  • Saber Marionette R
    Saber Marionette
    is a science fiction humor/adventure series featuring android girls. It has been produced in the form of anime, manga, and light novels. It was created by Satoru Akahori....

    (novel illustrations)
  • BugBug (cover illustrations)
  • Stars over Heaven (Trading card illustration)
  • Mist la Rouge (Trading card illustrations; 2nd volume)
  • Toranoana
    Comic Toranoana
    Comic Toranoana is a dōjin shop operated by the Toranoana Inc. . This shop specializes in selling manga related items. It is also known by the name, "Toranoana", or simply, "Tora".-About the Company:...

    : 2006 Fuyu no Dai Kansha-sai
    (Trading card illustrations; 2nd volume)

External links

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