Katarzyna Kobro

Svomas or SVOMAS , an abbreviation for Svobodnye gosudarstvennye khudozhestvennye masterskiye , was the name of a series of art schools founded in several Russian cities after the October Revolution....
), Moscow, 1917-20. In 1920 she moved to Smolensk, and in 1921 she married WLADYSLAW STRZEMINSKI. In 1920-22 she was associated with the Vitebsk-based group Unovis. She lived in Poland from 1924, and she belonged to all the Polish Constructivist groups in succession: Block, Praesens, a.r., as well as to the international group Abstraction-Creation. All works cited in this article are in the Museum of Art, Łódź. Her earliest pieces are Cubist nude studies. Hanging Constructions (1921-2; see CONSTRUCTIVISM, fig. 2) are Suprematist kinetic forms suspended in space, called 'aerostats', in which tensions in the materials provide movement and vibration. Abstract Sculptures (c. 1924) are multi-element vertical compositions, flat forms with flowing contours and composed in space defined by the cylinder of the base. The series of Spatial Compositions and Spatial Sculptures from 1925 appear as rhythmic combinations of flat modular surfaces, rigorously arranged in vertical and horizontal terms with a connecting curve. The geometric surfaces of the open compositions are arranged solely in terms of perpendicular and parallel elements. From 1924 the natural colour of the materials is replaced by white, red, grey or primary colours, which emphasize the rhythms of the plastic surfaces. The experiments of the years 1925-8 led to open compositions of surfaces dividing space, capable of being multiplied to infinity.