Karoda (Karora) is located at 27.87°N 76.37°E. Karoda is a gram panchayat of five villages in Behror tehsil. Behror comes under Delhi NCR region.
The village have aprox 4100 population in 2011 census. Literacy is proximately 80%.
Karoda is a small industrial place. There are two international bear factory.
The village have aprox 4100 population in 2011 census. Literacy is proximately 80%.
It has an average elevation of 312 metres (1,023.6 ft). Sabi river is the famous river which cross village from two sites this. A large bridge is situated on this river.Karoda is a small industrial place. There are two international bear factory.
- Global Wine & Spirits Pvt.Ltd. & Pernod Ricard India Pvt. Ltd.