- For the theologian, see Karl Christian Friedrich KrauseKarl Christian Friedrich KrauseKarl Christian Friedrich Krause was a German philosopher, born at Eisenberg, Thuringia.-Education and Life:...
Karl Kraus (April 28, 1874 – June 12, 1936) was an Austria
n writer
and journalist
, known as a satirist, essayist, aphorist
, playwright and poet. He is regarded as one of the foremost German-language satirists of the 20th century, especially for his witty criticism of the press, German
culture, and German and Austrian politics.
Kraus was born into a wealthy Jewish
family of Jacob Kraus, a papermaker, and his wife Ernestine, née Kantor, in Jičín
, Bohemia
(now the Czech Republic
What is the Ninth Symphony compared to a Tin Pan Alley|Tin Pan Alley hit played on a hurdy-gurdy and a memory?
Love and art do not embrace what is beautiful but what is made beautiful by this embrace.
An aphorism can never be the whole truth; it is either a half-truth or a truth-and-a-half.
Sexuality poorly repressed unsettles some families; well repressed, it unsettles the whole world.
The esthete stands in the same relation to beauty as the pornographer stands to love, and the politician stands to life.
My unconscious knows more about the consciousness of the psychologist than his consciousness knows about my unconscious.
Science is spectral analysis. Art is light synthesis.
I hear noises which others don't hear and which disturb for me the music of the spheres, which others don't hear either.
Many share my views with me. But I don't share them with them.