- Aya KannoAya Kannois a Japanese shōjo manga artist. She is the former assistant of manga artist Masashi Asaki of Psychometrer Eiji fame. Her debut was in the January 2001 issue of Hana to Yume with Soul Rescue...
, manga artist - Naoe Kanno, a fictional character from the anime/manga Strike WitchesStrike Witchesis a mixed-media project originally created by Humikane Shimada via a series of magazine illustration columns. It was later adapted into two light novel series, three manga series, an anime OVA, a televised anime series and various video games. The story revolves around teenage girls who are...
- Takeshi KannoTakeshi KannoTakeshi Kanno was a Japanese poet.-Publications:*...
, Japanese writer - Yoko KannoYoko Kannois a composer, arranger and musician best known for her work on the soundtracks for many games, anime films, TV series, live-action movies, and advertisements...
, composer and musician
Kannō (with a macron
A macron, from the Greek , meaning "long", is a diacritic placed above a vowel . It was originally used to mark a long or heavy syllable in Greco-Roman metrics, but now marks a long vowel...
) may refer to:, Japanese era from 1350 to 1352