Kana Kaanum Kaalangal
Kana Kaanum Kaalangal is a series that portrays the adolescent lives of students. The series was launched in October 2006, and aired some 500 episodes. Healthy competition, fights, jealousy, and friendship are common to any student's life, and these form the themes of the show. The theme song
Theme music
Theme music is a piece that is often written specifically for a radio program, television program, video game or movie, and usually played during the title sequence and/or end credits...

 of the show is a hit, composed by music director
Music director
A music director may be the director of an orchestra, the director of music for a film, the director of music at a radio station, the head of the music department in a school, the co-ordinator of the musical ensembles in a university or college , the head bandmaster of a military band, the head...

 Vijay Anthony.

Cast and characters

  • Vineeth: A brilliant femelian, he is loyal to his friends.
  • Krishna: Nicknamed "Krish", a keyboard player
    A keyboardist is a musician who plays keyboard instruments. Until the early 1960s musicians who played keyboards were generally classified as either pianists or organists. Since the mid-1960s, a plethora of new musical instruments with keyboards have come into common usage, requiring a more...

  • Rishi: A techno savvy character, but does not use his talent wisely, he is Vineeth's close friend.
  • Sister Saraswathi: The oldest in the class as she failed several years and was kept back.
  • Unni: He comes from a rich family. His father works in Dubai.
  • Sanghavi: Her best friend
    Friendship is a form of interpersonal relationship generally considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. Friendship and association are often thought of as spanning across the same continuum...

     was Vinneth. She hated Raghavi, her adopted sister. She died by falling from the school balcony (accidentally pushed by Krish).
  • Raghavi: Raghavi lost her family in a tsunami and adopted by Sanghavi's parents. She is affectionate towards her adoptive parents and Sanghavi even though Sanghavi hates her. Also a studious girl who comes first in school, she wins all her friends' hearts with her kind and sweet nature. She writes poetry, plays the veena and aspires to become a doctor.
  • Bala: An energetic young boy. Excels in sports but uninterested in studies.
  • Joe: He speaks in a poetic manner and is considered as the modern day Tamil Shakespeare.
  • Patchai: a good scholar but suffers from deep inferiority complex
    Inferiority complex
    An inferiority complex, in the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis, is a feeling that one is inferior to others in some way. Such feelings can arise from an imagined or actual inferiority in the afflicted person...

     due to his financial and social background.
  • Pandi
    Pandi (actor)
    "Black" Pandi is a comedy actor from Tamil Nadu, India who has acted in Tamil films and T. V. Shows. He acted in minor roles in a few films before being cast as "Pandi" in the Vijay TV show Kana Kaanum Kaalangal. Since then he has appeared in the second season of the show and also in the reality...

    : Father owns a department store. He is the most well-educated person in his family (10th STD), and speaks in Tirunelvelli slang.
  • Deepa: She has no parents and lives with her aunt and uncle who treat her like a slave.

Actor / Actress Role
Shiva Bethu Bala
Madhu Pachai
Balaji Joe
Lingeswaran Pandi
Pandi (actor)
"Black" Pandi is a comedy actor from Tamil Nadu, India who has acted in Tamil films and T. V. Shows. He acted in minor roles in a few films before being cast as "Pandi" in the Vijay TV show Kana Kaanum Kaalangal. Since then he has appeared in the second season of the show and also in the reality...

Irfan Vineeth
Hari Haran Krish
Monisha Ravishankar Sanghavi
Hemalatha Raghavi
Ayyapan Unni
Stan Rishi priya priya
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