Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto
is one of the major antagonists in Kamen Rider Kabuto
Kamen Rider Kabuto
is a Japanese tokusatsu superhero television series. It is the sixteenth installment in the popular Kamen Rider Series of tokusatsu programs. It is a joint collaboration between Ishimori Productions and Toei. The series was broadcast on TV Asahi. The first episode aired on January 29, 2006, and...

. Similar to Kabuto
Kamen Rider Kabuto (character)
is the main protagonist and eponymous character of the 2006 Kamen Rider Series Kamen Rider Kabuto. Its design is based on a "Kabutomushi" or Japanese rhinoceros beetle.-Souji Tendou:...

, its design is based on a "Kabutomushi" or Japanese rhinoceros beetle
Japanese rhinoceros beetle
The Japanese rhinoceros beetle, Japanese horned beetle, or , Allomyrina dichotoma, is a species of rhinoceros beetle found in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China...

. In 2010, Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto and Kamen Rider Gatack
Kamen Rider Gatack
is one of the main protagonists of Kamen Rider Kabuto. The motif is that of a "Kuwagatamushi" or stag beetle. The name is a portmanteau of "kuwagata" and "attack"-Arata Kagami: is Gatack's user...

 were made into S.I.C.
Super Imaginative Chogokin
Super Imaginative Chogokin is one of Bandai's popular line-up based on the Kamen Rider franchise and other characters created by Shotaro Ishinomori and his production company. The figures are usually modified and differ from its counterpart as seen in the series...

 figures. In the production of the Dark Kabuto costume, the production team took a Kamen Rider Caucasus costume and repainted it black with red circuitry details.

Souji Kusakabe

was originally a human infant used in Negishi's experiments in hopes of turning all of humanity into Natives; he was turned into a Worm that mimicked Tendou's appearance in order to be used by Mishima in the testing of the Hyper Zecter. Because of his origins, Souji seems to be a kind and innocent person, but can become as equally cruel to those whom he can't forgive.

Because he mimicked Tendou, Souji possesses the Dark Kabuto Zecter, a Zecter that mirrors the Kabuto Zecter. His Rider Form is similar to Kabuto's, but he has yellow eyes and his color has changed to black, with the exception of the top of his head, chest, and shoulders which contains dark red circuits which light up upon Cast-Off.

Fictional character biography

When Kabuto is carried to this dimension, the mimic Souji stands by Hiyori defensively, angered by the presence of Kabuto. Calling upon the Dark Kabuto Zecter, he changes into Dark Kabuto and prepares to fight Kabuto. During his first battle, he and Tendou initiate similar Rider Kick
Rider Kick
The is the finishing move from the Kamen Rider Series. It has traditionally consisted of a flying side kick and is used against the monster/kaijin after it has been weakened from fighting with the Rider. Throughout the various Kamen Rider series, it has taken many different forms and has become...

s, resulting in Tendou being defeated and flung back to real world.

During episode 42, Dark Kabuto arrives in the real world through a bolt of lightning, and walks away with a childish look on his face. Later in episode 43, he appears before Kagami and others, stating that he's going to eliminate the other self. The mimic Souji eventually meets the real Tendou and the two engage in battle. The real Souji decides to allow himself to be defeated and thus when Dark Kabuto returns to the universe Hiyori is trapped in, Renge can track the portal and find Hiyori. When Tendou is on the brink of defeat, Gatack saves him and manages to convince him to fight Dark Kabuto, saying that he cannot allow himself to be defeated like that. Kabuto, now renewed with will to fight, defeats Dark Kabuto using the Hyper Zecter. However, Hiyori appears after a solar eclipse and says that she is happy to stay with Dark Kabuto in another world. After doing so, Hiyori changes into Sisrya Worm and prepares to protect Dark Kabuto.

After Hiyori and Dark Kabuto return to their dimension, they meet up with Tendou once again, who says that Hiyori should come back. The mimic Souji asks Tendou if he can truly keep his promise of always being by Hiyori's side, and Tendou says he can't. However, he will protect Hiyori for as long as he can, fighting all those who do evil to the world, not because they are Worms. Soon after, Hiyori leaves and abandons Dark Kabuto, who later returns to the real world and assaults Hiyori for her betrayal. He soon encounters the two Reiji Nogi clones as they offer an allience, telling Dark Kabuto that he does not know who he truly is. Refusing, Dark Kabuto leaves in a frenzy after attempting to fight the Nogis. After returning in episode 47 to challenge Tendou, he is defeated by Hyper Kabuto. The unconscious mimic Souji is then captured by Mishima once again.

After being tormented by Mishima and Negishi, who both state that he is a failure, he goes into an outrage, attacking Mishima as he learns his true origins and why. During this moment, Tendou appears and uses Clock Up to rescue his mimic. However, the mimic escapes once again, only to meet Mishima once more. As Mishima transforms into Gryllus Worm, the strongest Native, Dark Kabuto charges at him and is defeated.

After Dark Kabuto is captured once again by Mishima, it is revealed that they plan to drain his power and combine it with a fragment of the meteorite in order to convert the entirety of humanity into Natives. During the final moments, Dark Kabuto rushes out and captures Negishi, dragging him back into the explosion as Dark Kabuto assumes his true form, telling Tendou that he is leaving and ensures him with protecting this world now.

Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto

The allows Souji Kusakabe to transform into Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto. As with all of the Zecters, Dark Kabuto has two basic forms that he can transform into. His forms resemble those of Kamen Rider Kabuto
Kamen Rider Kabuto
is a Japanese tokusatsu superhero television series. It is the sixteenth installment in the popular Kamen Rider Series of tokusatsu programs. It is a joint collaboration between Ishimori Productions and Toei. The series was broadcast on TV Asahi. The first episode aired on January 29, 2006, and...

 in different colors.

Masked Form

Dark Kabuto's is a heavily armored form resembling a pupa
A pupa is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation. The pupal stage is found only in holometabolous insects, those that undergo a complete metamorphosis, going through four life stages; embryo, larva, pupa and imago...

 that has very little offensive capabilities. This is the default form that Dark Kabuto transforms into, until he flips the "horn" on the Dark Kabuto Zecter, like a switch, to initiate the command.

Rider Form

Dark Kabuto's is the sleeker and more offensive-based form which more resembles the Japanese rhinoceros beetle
Japanese rhinoceros beetle
The Japanese rhinoceros beetle, Japanese horned beetle, or , Allomyrina dichotoma, is a species of rhinoceros beetle found in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China...

 on which Dark Kabuto is named after and themed. It is in this form that Dark Kabuto has access to the command which allows Dark Kabuto to travel at near-light speeds to match the speeds of the Worms. By pressing three buttons on the belt in succession, Dark Kabuto can perform his tachyon
A tachyon is a hypothetical subatomic particle that always moves faster than light. In the language of special relativity, a tachyon would be a particle with space-like four-momentum and imaginary proper time. A tachyon would be constrained to the space-like portion of the energy-momentum graph...

-powered , a roundhouse kick
Roundhouse kick
A roundhouse kick is a kick in which the attacker swings his leg around in a semicircular motion, striking with the front of the leg or foot. This type of kick is utilized in many different martial arts and is popular in both non-contact and full-contact martial arts competitions...

 from a standing position.


: To transform into Dark Kabuto, Souji Kusakabe places the Dark Kabuto Zecter onto his Rider Belt. It is like Kabuto's Rider Belt, but it emanates waves of black energy during the transformation, rather than the green-colored waves that Kabuto's transformation releases.: Much like his heroic counterpart
Kamen Rider Kabuto (character)
is the main protagonist and eponymous character of the 2006 Kamen Rider Series Kamen Rider Kabuto. Its design is based on a "Kabutomushi" or Japanese rhinoceros beetle.-Souji Tendou:...

, Dark Kabuto also wields a ZECT Kunai Gun with the same capabilities.
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