Kaki Ae language
Kaki Ae is a language with about 500 speakers, half the ethnic population, near Kerema
Kerema is the capital of Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea. It is located on the coast of Gulf of Papua. The Gulf region is aptly named for its concave coastline with large deltas. The Gulf area is a riparian region where many rivers from the southern slopes of the highlands drain into.-Culture and...

, in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea , officially the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, is a country in Oceania, occupying the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and numerous offshore islands...

. It is related to the Eleman languages
Eleman languages
The Eleman languages are a family of Trans–New Guinea languages in the classification of Malcolm Ross. The five languages of Eleman proper are clearly related. They were identified as a family by Sidney Herbert Ray in 1907, and would later be incorporated in the Trans–New Guinea classifications of...

and is classified by Ross as a divergent member of that family.
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