Justus Vingboons
Justus Vingboons (c. 1620 – c. 1698) was an Amsterdam architect. He was the brother of the better-known architect Philips Vingboons
Philips Vingboons
Philips Vingboons was a Dutch architect. He was part of the school of Jacob van Campen, that is, Dutch Classicism. Vingboons was especially highly regarded in his native city of Amsterdam....

. Like his brother, Justus built in the "Dutch Classicism" style.

His most important work is Kloveniersburgwal 29 (the Trippenhuis), in which Dutch Classicism finds its purest and richest expression. The entire sandstone front has been give very detailed decoration and has eight colossal Corinthian
Corinthian order
The Corinthian order is one of the three principal classical orders of ancient Greek and Roman architecture. The other two are the Doric and Ionic. When classical architecture was revived during the Renaissance, two more orders were added to the canon, the Tuscan order and the Composite order...


Examples of other houses attributed to Justus Vingboons include Herengracht 257 (1661) and Herengracht 390-392 (1665). He also draw the facade of the house of nobility in Stockholm during his wisit there 1653-6.


  • Bureau Monumentenzorg Amsterdam
  • Jacobine E. Huisken, Friso Lammertse, Het kunstbedrijf van de familie Vingboons. Schilders, architecten en kaartmakers in de gouden eeuw, Maarssen, 1989, ISBN 9061790735
  • Jacqueline Heijenbrok, Guido Steenmeijer, Een stadswandeling langs de huizen van Philips en Justus Vingboons, Den Haag/Amsterdam, 1989, ISBN 9061790778
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