Julie McNiven
Julie McNiven is an American actress. McNiven was born in Amherst, Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts
Amherst is a town in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States in the Connecticut River valley. As of the 2010 census, the population was 37,819, making it the largest community in Hampshire County . The town is home to Amherst College, Hampshire College, and the University of Massachusetts...

. She is best known for her recurring roles in Mad Men
Mad Men
Mad Men is an American dramatic television series created and produced by Matthew Weiner. The series premiered on Sunday evenings on the American cable network AMC and are produced by Lionsgate Television. It premiered on July 19, 2007, and completed its fourth season on October 17, 2010. Each...

and Supernatural
Supernatural (TV series)
Supernatural is an American supernatural and horror television series created by Eric Kripke, which debuted on September 13, 2005 on The WB, and is now part of The CW's lineup. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the brothers as they...

. McNiven had a recurring role in the 2010-2011 second season of Stargate: Universe.

McNiven studied swinging trapeze
A trapeze is a short horizontal bar hung by ropes or metal straps from a support. It is an aerial apparatus commonly found in circus performances...

 as a teenager at French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts
French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts
On a majestic hillside, high in the Catskill Mountain Region of New York less than three hours from New York City is French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts . A family run camp since 1970, French Woods has been the innovative leader of individualized programming for children...

. She also attended the summer program at Circle in the Square. She is a graduate of Salem State University (Salem, Massachusetts).


Year Film Role Notes
1997 Old Man Dogs Ghost uncredited
2000 The Gypsy Years Secretary
2005 Dangerous Crosswinds Sue Barrett
2005 Carlito's Way: Rise to Power
Carlito's Way: Rise to Power
Carlito's Way: Rise to Power is a 2005 direct-to-video prequel to Brian De Palma's 1993 film Carlito's Way, based on the novel Carlito's Way by Judge Edwin Torres...

Carlito's Dancer
2006 The Groomsmen
The Groomsmen
The Groomsmen is a 2006 comedy film written and directed by Edward Burns. It opened in New York and Los Angeles on July 14, 2006. Filming took place at many locations on City Island, New York.-Plot:...

Girl with Band uncredited
2006 Doses of Roger Anna
2006 Just My Luck body double & stand-in
2007 Go Go Tales
Go Go Tales
Go Go Tales is an independent 2007 film by Abel Ferrara. It was screened out of competition at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.It stars Willem Dafoe as a strip club owner and co-stars Bob Hoskins...

2007 Across the Universe
Across the Universe
"Across the Universe" is a song by the English group The Beatles. It was written by John Lennon, and credited to Lennon–McCartney. The song first appeared on the various artists charity compilation album No One's Gonna Change Our World in December 1969, and later, in different form, on Let It Be,...

2007 Machine Child Vending Girl short film
2007 Chapter 27 photo double & stand-in: Lindsay Lohan
2008 Bluff Point Girl
2009 The Cave Movie Julie
2010 Failing Better Now Anna
2010 Office Politics Tess short film


Year Title Role Notes
2005, 2006 Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Law & Order: Criminal Intent is an American police procedural television drama series set in New York City, where it was also primarily produced. Created and produced by Dick Wolf and René Balcer, the series premiered on September 30, 2001, as the second spin-off of Wolf's successful crime drama...

Suzie Waller Suzie in "Weeping Willow" from Season 6, a stand-in for one episode of Season 4
2006–2007 Brotherhood Cute Desk Clerk 3 episodes, Seasons 1, 2
2006 Waterfront
Waterfront (TV series)
Waterfront is a television drama set in Providence, Rhode Island that was originally scheduled to be a midseason replacement on CBS in 2007, but was shelved by the network in 2006 before any of its five completed episodes had aired. The series was produced by Warner Bros...

Tiffany 1 episode, Season 1
2007–2009 Mad Men
Mad Men
Mad Men is an American dramatic television series created and produced by Matthew Weiner. The series premiered on Sunday evenings on the American cable network AMC and are produced by Lionsgate Television. It premiered on July 19, 2007, and completed its fourth season on October 17, 2010. Each...

Hildy 20 episodes, Seasons 1, 2, 3
2008 New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam (TV series)
New Amsterdam is an American television drama, which premiered March 4, 2008 on Fox, and ended after its eighth episode.-Premise and plot:...

Model 1 episode, Season 1
2008–2010 Supernatural
Supernatural (TV series)
Supernatural is an American supernatural and horror television series created by Eric Kripke, which debuted on September 13, 2005 on The WB, and is now part of The CW's lineup. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the brothers as they...

Anna Milton  6 episodes, Seasons 4, 5
2009 Desperate Housewives
Desperate Housewives
Desperate Housewives is an American television comedy-drama series created by Marc Cherry and produced by ABC Studios and Cherry Productions. Executive producer Cherry serves as Showrunner. Other executive producers since the fourth season include Marc Cherry, Bob Daily, George W...

Emily Portsmith  2 episodes, Season 6
2010 Stargate: Universe Ginn  8 episodes, Season 2
2011 Fringe
Fringe (TV series)
Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The series follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security...

Mona Foster 1 episode, Season 3
2011 Nikita
Nikita (TV series)
La Femme Nikita is a Canadian action/drama television series based on the French film Nikita by Luc Besson. The series was co-produced by Jay Firestone of Fireworks Entertainment and Warner Brothers. It was adapted for television by Joel Surnow...

Alisha 1 episode, Season 2
2011 House
House (TV series)
House is an American television medical drama that debuted on the Fox network on November 16, 2004. The show's central character is Dr. Gregory House , an unconventional and misanthropic medical genius who heads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in...

Mickey Darro 1 episode, Season 8

External links

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