Julian Codman
Julian Codman was born in Cotuit, Massachusetts
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. It is bordered by Rhode Island and Connecticut to the south, New York to the west, and Vermont and New Hampshire to the north; at its east lies the Atlantic Ocean. As of the 2010...

 as the son of Charles Russell Codman and his wife, née Lucy Lyman Paine Sturgis. He was a lawyer
A lawyer, according to Black's Law Dictionary, is "a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law." Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political...

 who was a vigorous opponent of Prohibition
Prohibition of alcohol, often referred to simply as prohibition, is the practice of prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, import, export, sale, and consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. The term can also apply to the periods in the histories of the countries during which the...

, and who was also involved with the Anti-Imperialist League.

In 1897 he married Norah Chadwick, daughter of James Read Chadwick
James Read Chadwick
James Read Chadwick was an American gynecologist and medical librarian remembered for describing the Chadwick sign of early pregnancy in 1887.- Biography :...

 and his wife Katherine Maria Lyman. They had two daughters.

Anti-Imperialist Affiliations

  • Executive Committee of New England Anti-Imperialist League 1902-1904
  • Delegate of Democratic National Conventions 1904
  • Signatory of Philippine Independence Committee Petition 1904
  • Executive Committee of Anti-Imperialist League (1904–1921) 1904
  • Vice president of Anti-Imperialist League (1904–1921) 1918

Reform Affiliations

  • VP Associated Charities
  • Headed the Constitutional Liberty League and served as counsel for the Joint Legislative Committee, was a foe of prohibition
    Prohibition of alcohol, often referred to simply as prohibition, is the practice of prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, import, export, sale, and consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. The term can also apply to the periods in the histories of the countries during which the...

  • He twice represented the combined anti-Prohibition societies at Congressional hearings.
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