Josh Flagg
Josh Flagg is an American real estate agent and media personality who co-stars alongside Josh Altman and Madison Hildebrand
Madison Hildebrand
Madison Hildebrand is an American realtor and media personality specializing in the luxury real estate market located in Malibu, California. A broker with Coldwell Banker Real Estate, Hildebrand co-stars the Bravo television series Million Dollar Listing, alongside Josh Altman and Josh Flagg...

 on the show Million Dollar Listing
Million Dollar Listing
Million Dollar Listing is an American reality series that first aired on the Bravo television network. The show follows real estate agents based in Hollywood and Malibu, California selling high-end properties. The series, presented in one-hour episodes, gives viewers an inside look at the world of...

on the Bravo! television network. Appearing on television for the first time in 2008, Flagg came back to do the third season of the show in 2009. In 2010, Bravo announced a fourth season of the show, which premiered on February 3, 2011.

The show, now in its fourth season, follows three young real estate agents in Los Angeles as they sell high-end homes.


Flagg is the grandson of philanthropist and Jewish leader Herman Platt
Herman Platt
Herman Platt was an American business executive and philanthropist. He and his wife endowed the Marjorie and Herman Platt Gallery. Platt was also the president of Sinai Temple for two years. Platt was the president of Vista del Mar Charities and was one of the men responsible for creating Mount...

 and great grandson of Benjamin Platt
Benjamin Platt
Benjamin Platt was a philanthropist and founder of the Platt Music Corporation, which he started in 1905. Platt Music Corporation was a private company that leased space in department stores and sold consumer electric products...

, founder of the nationwide Platt Music Corporation chain of stores. His great-grandparents on his mother's side were residents of California since the late 1800s and are known for their contributions to Jewry. On his father's side, Flagg is the grandson of former fashion industry executive and designer, Edith Flagg
Edith Flagg
Edith Flagg is a Romanian-born American fashion designer, former fashion industry executive, and philanthropist.-Early life:...

 from Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...

, and her husband and Los Angeles Jewish leader Eric Flagg
Eric Flagg
Eric Flagg , former fashion industry executive, was the President of Edith Flagg, Inc. Edith Flagg, Inc. was a multi-million dollar dress label of the 1950-s through 1990’s. Flagg retired early his son, Michael, took over so he could dedicate his time to philanthropy. Flagg was a holocaust survivor...


Josh Flagg was born on August 20, 1985 in Los Angeles, CA. He is the son of Michael and Cindy Flagg of Los Angeles.


Flagg grew up in Los Angeles, California. He attended Stephen S. Wise Temple Elementary School
Stephen S. Wise Temple Elementary School
Stephen S. Wise Temple Elementary School is a private Jewish elementary school located in Bel-Air area of Los Angeles, California.It is directly affiliated with Stephen S...

 until 1998. In 1998, Flagg attended the Brentwood School
Brentwood School (Los Angeles, California)
Brentwood School is a private, secular K-12 coed day school with two campuses located four blocks apart in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States. The school has a high reputation for academics and athletics.-History:...

, a private school in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles. In 2003, Flagg left Brentwood, and attended high school at Beverly Hills High School
Beverly Hills High School
Beverly Hills High School is the only major public high school in Beverly Hills, California. Beverly is part of the Beverly Hills Unified School District and located on on the west side of Beverly Hills, at the...



Upon graduation in 2004, Flagg started working as a real estate agent in Beverly Hills. Beginning in 2004, Flagg started making residential sales in high end neighborhoods such as Beverly Hills and the Sunset Strip. Flagg started his career under the arm of real estate broker Bruce Nelson with the John Bruce Nelson firm in Bel Air, followed by a brief stint at the Coldwell Banker Beverly Hills East office in 2007. In 2007, Bravo interviewed agents for the second season of the show "Million Dollar Listing
Million Dollar Listing
Million Dollar Listing is an American reality series that first aired on the Bravo television network. The show follows real estate agents based in Hollywood and Malibu, California selling high-end properties. The series, presented in one-hour episodes, gives viewers an inside look at the world of...

". Flagg, along with two other agents, Madison Hildebrand and Chad Rogers
Chad Rogers
Chad Barrett Rogers is an American realtor and television presenter. His practice is located in Beverly Hills, CA...

, were picked and started filming for the reality TV series. The show follows three agents selling high end properties on the Westside of Los Angeles. The show aired on Bravo in August 2008. "Million Dollar Listing" returned for its third season on October 12, 2009.

In August 2008, within a few weeks of the premier of the television show, Flagg was arrested for allegedly stealing works of fine art belonging to clients of his. The objects allegedly included works by Chagall and Picasso. Flagg was immediately released on $100,000 bail. A few weeks later, the Los Angeles County District Attorney declined to prosecute due to insufficient evidence.

In 2009, Flagg started working at Keller Williams Westside, in Los Angeles California where he started "Josh Flagg Estates". On March 9, 2010, Bravo announced the return of "Million Dollar Listing for a fourth season, although there was no mention if the three real estate agents would return for the fourth season. The series, "Million Dollar Listing" is produced by World of Wonder, with Randy Barbato and Fenton Bailey serving as executive producers.

External links

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