Joseph G. Medlicott
Joseph G. Medlicott was a geologist and General Assistant with the Geological Survey of Ireland
Geological Survey of Ireland
The Geological Survey of Ireland was founded in 1845. It is part of the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. It is based in Beggars Bush Barracks in Dublin. Its multidisciplinary staff work in sections such as Groundwater, Bedrock, Quaternary/Geotechnical, Heritage, Marine...

. He studied the geology of India
Geology of India
The geology of India started with the geological evolution of rest of the Earth i.e. 4.57 Ga . India has a diverse geology. Different regions in India contain rocks of all types belonging to different geologic periods. Some of the rocks are badly deformed and transmuted while others are recently...



J. G. Medlicott had graduated from Trinity College, Dublin
Trinity College, Dublin
Trinity College, Dublin , formally known as the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, was founded in 1592 by letters patent from Queen Elizabeth I as the "mother of a university", Extracts from Letters Patent of Elizabeth I, 1592: "...we...found and...

. In the year 1851, he relinquished his post and joined the Geological Survey of India
Geological Survey of India
Geological Survey of India , established in 1851 is a government organization in India which is an attached office to the Ministry of Mines of Union Government of India for conducting geological surveys and studies. It is one of the oldest of such organizations in the world and the second oldest...

 which was established by the East India Company
East India Company
The East India Company was an early English joint-stock company that was formed initially for pursuing trade with the East Indies, but that ended up trading mainly with the Indian subcontinent and China...

 and the Government of Bengal. While in the GSI, he got engaged in a mapping program to find coal deposits started by Thomas Oldham
Thomas Oldham
Thomas Oldham was a Anglo-Irish geologist.He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and studied civil engineering at the University of Edinburgh as well as geology under Robert Jameson....

, who was the first Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India. Soon after, Joseph's younger brother, Henry Benedict Medlicott
Henry Benedict Medlicott
Henry Benedict Medlicott was an Irish geologist who worked in India.-Early life:He was born in Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland, the son of the Church of Ireland Rector of Loughrea, Samuel Medlicott and his wife Charlotte , daughter of Henry Benedict Dolphin, C. B...

 also left for India and after serving as Professor of Geology at Roorkee
Roorkee is a city and seat of a municipal council in Uttarakhand, in far northern India. It is located on the banks of the Ganges canal on the national highway between Delhi and Dehradun. Roorkee is known for Roorkee Cantonment, one of the country's oldest cantonments, and the headquarters of...

, joined the Geological Survey of India. It was H. B. Medlicott who first coined the term Gondwana
In paleogeography, Gondwana , originally Gondwanaland, was the southernmost of two supercontinents that later became parts of the Pangaea supercontinent. It existed from approximately 510 to 180 million years ago . Gondwana is believed to have sutured between ca. 570 and 510 Mya,...

 in 1872 for the coal bearing formations of India.

Narmada-Son line

That the Narmada
Narmada River
The Narmada , also called Rewa is a river in central India and the fifth largest river in the Indian subcontinent. It is the third largest river that completely flows within India after Ganges and Godavari...

 and Son rivers
Son River
Son River of central India is the largest of the Ganges' southern tributaries. A British 1850s diary shows that the river was written in English as Soane.-Course:...

 flow in a straight line of disturbance from the Gulf of Cambay
Gulf of Khambhat
The Gulf of Khambhat is an inlet of the Arabian Sea along the west coast of India, in the state of Gujarat. It is about 80 miles in length, and divides the Kathiawar peninsula to the west from the eastern part of Gujarat state on the east. The Narmada and Tapti rivers empty into the Gulf...

 in the west to the Ganges valley in the east and that this line marks not only the southern boundary of the late Proterozoic
The Proterozoic is a geological eon representing a period before the first abundant complex life on Earth. The name Proterozoic comes from the Greek "earlier life"...

 Vindhyan Supergroup rocks but also the northern limit of deposition of the coal-bearing Gondwana rocks was first shown by Joseph G. Medlicott, a member of the founding team of the Geological Survey of India, as early as in 1860.

It will not be an exaggeration at all to say that this entire memoir is nothing but an account of the Narmada-Son line, and its principal thesis is the focus on the aspects of the line of Narmada and Son valleys, albeit with a rather primitive geological or scientific knowledge base as could be expected of a mid-nineteenth century publication. Geologists in India
Geology of India
The geology of India started with the geological evolution of rest of the Earth i.e. 4.57 Ga . India has a diverse geology. Different regions in India contain rocks of all types belonging to different geologic periods. Some of the rocks are badly deformed and transmuted while others are recently...

 do not know this too well since the memoir in question is out-of-print
Out-of-print book
An out-of-print book is a book that is no longer being published. Out-of-print books are often rare, and may be difficult to acquire.A publisher will usually create a print run of a fixed number of copies of a new book. These books can be ordered in bulk by booksellers, and when all the...

 but those working on the aspects of Narmada Son line must not fail to acknowledge this epoch making great work by an unmatched genius and the concerned scientist engaged in research on Narmada-Son line must cite it in the list of references at the end of the paper.

In central India, there occurs an important tectonic lineament
See also Line A lineament is a linear feature in a landscape which is an expression of an underlying geological structure such as a fault. Typically a lineament will comprise a fault-aligned valley, a series of fault or fold-aligned hills, a straight coastline or indeed a combination of these...

, viz. the Narmada-Son line stretching from Broach near the Gulf of Cambay, where Narmada river
Narmada River
The Narmada , also called Rewa is a river in central India and the fifth largest river in the Indian subcontinent. It is the third largest river that completely flows within India after Ganges and Godavari...

 meets the Arabian sea
Arabian Sea
The Arabian Sea is a region of the Indian Ocean bounded on the east by India, on the north by Pakistan and Iran, on the west by the Arabian Peninsula, on the south, approximately, by a line between Cape Guardafui in northeastern Somalia and Kanyakumari in India...

, to as far east as the place called Dehri-on-Son where Son river
Son River
Son River of central India is the largest of the Ganges' southern tributaries. A British 1850s diary shows that the river was written in English as Soane.-Course:...

 drains into the Ganges. The characteristic feature of this lineament, along which two major rivers flow is that it marks the southern limit of deposition of the sediments (and sporadically occurring volcanics) of the rocks of the Vindhyan Supergroup; besides, it also forms the northern limit of the coal-bearing Gondwana Supergroup rocks. The existence of this peculiar and tectonically significant feature was first very elaborately described a good one hundred and fifty years ago by Medlicott in a memoir titled The Geological Structure of the Central Portion of the Nerbudda District. In fact the entire memoir is devoted only to this aspect of this important tectonic feature. In 1962, a hundred years after Medlicott's work was published, this work was plagiarised
Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as the "wrongful appropriation," "close imitation," or "purloining and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions," and the representation of them as one's own original work, but the notion remains problematic with nebulous...

 by William Dixon West, then a Professor of Geology in the Department of Applied Geology, Dr H S Gour University, Sagar, India.

Medlicott mentioned two important points about this unique feature of tectonic
Tectonics is a field of study within geology concerned generally with the structures within the lithosphere of the Earth and particularly with the forces and movements that have operated in a region to create these structures.Tectonics is concerned with the orogenies and tectonic development of...

 significance in Central India and he focuses repeatedly on these two aspects throughout the course of discussion in this memoir. These two aspects are:

(i) This feature of Vindhyan escarpment and the valleys of the Narmada and the Son rivers being extremely straight or rectilinear for an appreciable distance; and

(ii) That the rocks of the Vindhyan Series occur only to the north of the two valleys and are not found anywhere to the south of these valleys and the rocks containing coal were to be found only to the south of this linear feature and not to the north of it in the vast stretch of area that was covered.

Regarding the first of these points of great significance, Medlicott remarked (1860, p. 228): “This line of escarpment joins the north side of the valleys of the Nerbudda and of the Sone; it deviates little from a straight line, when considered as a whole, and even within shorter limits, its rectilinear direction is very remarkable.”

On the second point of significance, Medlicott has had a lot to say. He has emphasized this second point at numerous places in the text of this 340 page memoir, of which nearly 200 pages are occupied by the paper by Medlicott. Also, the name Vindhyan was coined by the Geological Survey of India
Geological Survey of India
Geological Survey of India , established in 1851 is a government organization in India which is an attached office to the Ministry of Mines of Union Government of India for conducting geological surveys and studies. It is one of the oldest of such organizations in the world and the second oldest...

 during this period only. Medlicott remarks (1860, p. 115): “The entire group of Sandstones, Shales, &c., of Bundelcund and Rewah which lie north of the River Nerbudda
Narmada River
The Narmada , also called Rewa is a river in central India and the fifth largest river in the Indian subcontinent. It is the third largest river that completely flows within India after Ganges and Godavari...

, (or more correctly of that part of the river Nerbudda included in our map,) the great scarp of which rocks is well seen along that valley as that of the Sone, was separated totally from the Sandstone rocks associated with coal, &c., which occur to the south of those rivers, and with which it had previously been confounded: to this great group the name of the Vindhyan was applied, as being best seen in the Vindhyan range”.

He then points out to say that the rocks of the Vindhyan Series are different and were therefore separated from those such as Talchir Series, Mahadeva Series etc. For example (Medlicott, 1860, p. 119):” Thus the Table land of Malwah and Bundelcund is formed of the sandstones seen in the Vindhyan escarpment, and described in the following pages under the name of “Vindhyan Sandstones”, a group of rocks not known to occur anywhere south of this line of the north escarpment of the Nerbudda valley, at least not within the area mapped. In a similar manner the line of escarpment bounding the valley on the south, marks the northern limit of a series of rocks, which will be found described below, as including those formations called in our lists “Talcheer”, “Damuda”, “Mahadeva” &c., and no rocks belonging to any of these groups are known, within our area, to occur north of this line of escarpment”.

About the general extent of Narmada Son line and the disposition of rocks of two different types occurring to the north and the south, Medlicott said (1860, p. 228), “The remarkable physical features now to be fully described, characterize with more or less distinctness, the band of country stretching from the Gulf of Cambay
Gulf of Khambhat
The Gulf of Khambhat is an inlet of the Arabian Sea along the west coast of India, in the state of Gujarat. It is about 80 miles in length, and divides the Kathiawar peninsula to the west from the eastern part of Gujarat state on the east. The Narmada and Tapti rivers empty into the Gulf...

 on the west, to the Ganges valley on the east, and including the Sone as well as the Nerbudda River. Most maps of British India
British Raj
British Raj was the British rule in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947; The term can also refer to the period of dominion...

 show a marked range, called the Vindhyan Range, running along this line; Mandu stands near the western extremity of it, as generally shewn on the published maps and Rotasgur at the eastern end. Running parallel to this line, is a much less regular range, very different in general aspect, formed as has been stated, of other rocks, and lying on the south side of the Nerbudda valley, within our area. Beyond the district surveyed, a very similar arrangement is known to form a continuation of the range along the banks of the Sone, the south side of whose valley has been found, (in part of its course at least) to be formed, like that of the Nerbudda, of rocks different from those of the Vindhyan escarpment”.

Again on p. 146 of the memoir he emphasizes the distribution of the Vindhyans and the Gondwanas as being on two sides of this major conspicuous lineament. Quoting him (1860, p. 146),” If we take together the sub-divisions §5, §6 and §7 (Talchir, Damuda and Mahadeva) of our list, it will be seen from the map that rocks belonging to these groups, form the ranges which bound the Nerbudda valley on the south, as the Vindhyans do that which bounds it on the north”. And he further goes on to say :”Nowhere have the Vindhyans been seen in contact with these rocks (Gondwanas) and between the boundaries which respectively limit the two groups, a long country lies, which may be considered as occupied by the crystalline rocks, these being however, for the most part, covered by the more recent ossiferous sands, and gravels, and surface clay”.

Medlicott also noted that the entire range and the valleys had a singularly uniform trend of ENE-WSW, or more precisely a trend N75ºE-S75ºW. Quoting him (Medlicott, 1860, p. 141), “The rocks of the Vindhyan series cover an immense area in Central India (see map Pl. III). The great Table land of Bundelcund and Malwah is mainly formed of them, and their southern boundary, continuous as it is with that of the table land itself, is marked, as has been stated, by one of the finest physical features imaginable: the vast plateau terminates on the south in a line of escarpment which, stretching from east to west(or more correctly E 15ºN), (that is N 75ºE)forms the north side of the Nerbudda valley, and farther on towards the east holds a similar position in that of the Sone river”.

The Vindhyans are known to have a monotonous composition over extremely large areas and lateral sedimentological variations are but few. This fact was also noted by Medlicott and that despite this there are variations at some places. Quoting him (1860, p. 142):” ….its most marked characteristic certainly is the persistency of this lithological aspect over great areas. This sameness of texture is strongly in contrast with the prevailing character of all those more recent sandstone formations to the south……” And further, “This general constancy in lithological character does not, of course, imply the entire absence of varieties among the beds of the series : instead of clear quartz grits slightly earthy sandstones are found, and in many places ferruginous clay has been so strongly accumulated as to form a considerable ingredient in the mass.” Regarding the subhorizontality of the Vindhyans, Medlicott remarked (1860, p. 141),” …that a slight undulating dip is the rule, so slight as to leave most commonly an impression of general horizontality, in spite of great disturbances which have locally affected the rocks along their southern boundary.”

Soon after the publication of the memoir in question, Medlicott appears to have retired from the Survey or relinquished his position, because the literature shows that he was assigned a job to compile a report on the cotton plantation
A plantation is a long artificially established forest, farm or estate, where crops are grown for sale, often in distant markets rather than for local on-site consumption...

 (Medlicott, 1862) in Bengal province assigned to him by Lord Canning
Charles Canning, 1st Earl Canning
Charles John Canning, 1st Earl Canning KG, GCB, PC , known as The Viscount Canning from 1837 to 1859, was an English statesman and Governor-General of India during the Indian Rebellion of 1857.-Background and education:...

. For this he was rewarded in money and by being made a member of the Senate of the Calcutta University
University of Calcutta
The University of Calcutta is a public university located in the city of Kolkata , India, founded on 24 January 1857...

. He was a frequent writer in the Calcutta Review. Darwin wrote out to India to discover the author of an essay on his "Origin of Species" and finding it was Mr. Medlicott he wrote a most flattering letter to him saying that his was the best essay on the book. In 1862 he joined the Education Department of Bengal. The duties of post he occupied were reportedly ably discharged up to the time of his death.

Death and legacy

He was struck with Paralysis
Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. A study conducted by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, suggests that about 1 in 50 people have been diagnosed...

 in 1863, went home to Dublin but could not stand inactivity and returned to India, where after a short resumption of his duties his health entirely gave way and he finally sank. He died on 10 May 1866. In an article from a newspaper it was mentioned: By the death of Mr. J.G. Medlicott the Government loses one of its few enthusiastic servants, and India one of its few scientific men. Another newspaper article
Article (publishing)
An article is a written work published in a print or electronic medium. It may be for the purpose of propagating the news, research results, academic analysis or debate.-News articles:...

 in the Pioneer says: The deceased gentleman was an accomplished scholar and an able writer and his death is a public loss to the literary world of India.

He was survived by his wife Agnes and son Samuel. The latter is reported to have later died in 1900 in British Columbia, Canada
British Columbia
British Columbia is the westernmost of Canada's provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin motto, Splendor sine occasu . Its name was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858...

. An account of Medlicott after his death was given in the annual report of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
Asiatic Society
The Asiatic Society was founded by Sir William Jones on January 15, 1784 in a meeting presided over by Sir Robert Chambers, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the Fort William in Calcutta, then capital of the British Raj, to enhance and further the cause of Oriental research. At the time of...

in 1867 which mentioned that "Mr. J.G. Medlicott was well-known as one of the earliest and most energetic members of the Geological Survey of India.”
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