Jon Arvid Lea
Jon Arvid Lea is a Norwegian civil servant.

He is a cand.polit.
Candidatus rerum politicarum , Candidata rerum politicarum , abbreviated cand.polit., is an academic degree within the fields of social sciences issued under the old education system in Denmark and Norway.-Denmark:...

 by education. He was a head of department in the Norwegian Ministry of Government Administration
Norwegian Ministry of Government Administration and Reform
The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Government Administration and Reform is a Norwegian ministry established in 2006. The ministry is responsible for reform work, information technology, competition policy in addition to having the main responsibility for government employees and government organisation...

 from 1994. In 1997 he was acting County Governor of Hedmark, and from 1999 to 2001 he was acting County Governor of Buskerud. After a year as director of secondary schools in Vestfold County Municipality, from 2002 to 2003, he was hired as the first director of the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning.
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