Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization
The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO, pronounced like "ji-dough") is a joint entity and jointly manned activity of the U.S. Department of Defense established to reduce or eliminate the effects of all forms of improvised explosive devices used against U.S. and Coalition Forces.
JIEDDO’s mission is threefold: Attack the Network, Defeat the Device, and Train the Force. This is accomplished with a significant focus on technology, and JIEDDO regularly recruits the help of private industry in developing solutions to meet each of these three Lines of Operation. JIEDDO’s approach to IED defeat originated from the organization’s five ‘tenet lanes: prediction, detection, prevention, neutralization, and mitigation. Requests for proposals are regularly posted to private industry participants via the JIEDDO BIDS PORTAL. Proposals are judged for viability using, among other criteria, the Technical Readiness Level (TRL), ranging from 1 (Basic principles observed and reported) to 9 (Actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations), enabling a rapid assessment of solutions for reliable deployment to the field. In addition to specific RFPs, JIEDDO also participates in the annual Counter-IED Symposium, where industry partners and those interested in participating can share ideas and issues in a somewhat open forum.
US Army Lieutenant General Michael Barbero assumed duties as the director of JIEDDO on March 4, 2011 and serves as principal adviser to the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
on matters of IED defeat.
JIEDDO’s leadership teams include representatives from the office of the Secretary of all five branches of the US military, plus legal, advisory and expert representatives from throughout the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. Seven distinct leadership boards make up the organizational structure as follows:
JIEDDO is co-located in the Pentagon’s offices in Crystal City, Virginia and in the National Counterterrorism / Counterinsurgency Integrated Test & Evaluation Center (NACCITEC) at Yuma, Arizona. See [www.dtic.mil/ndia/2005science/riley.ppt].
JKnIFE provides Warfighters and C-IED Trainers a dynamic repository for AOR specific C-IED situational awareness, C-IED training materials and C-IED references to enhance pre-deployment training and improve battlefield information sharing. Additionally, JKnIFE provides support to Warfighters by maintaining a 24/7 Operations Center to respond to individual/unit requests regarding IEDs.
JKnIFE consolidates reports, best practices, and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). JKnIFE also provides theater-specific training materials from JIEDDO enablers.
Key Features of JKnIFE
Joseph Votel
at the direction of the Army G3, LTG Richard Cody with focus on IEDs [link 1]. The organization was expanded with the Defense-wide intelligence and operations communities as the Joint IED Defeat Task Force in July 2004 as an extension of the OSD Force Protection Working Group and the Army IED Task Force. Under the direction of the Honorable Gordon B. England, Deputy Secretary of Defense, the highly classified and diverse group was finally made the Joint IED Defeat Organization by DoD Directive 2000.19E, on February 14, 2006.
JIEDDO's mission is defined in Department of Defense Directive 2000.19E:
The JIEDDO shall focus (lead, advocate, coordinate) all Department of Defense actions in support of the Combatant Commanders’ and their respective Joint task forces’ efforts to defeat IEDs as weapons of strategic influence.
JIEDDO’s mission is threefold: Attack the Network, Defeat the Device, and Train the Force. This is accomplished with a significant focus on technology, and JIEDDO regularly recruits the help of private industry in developing solutions to meet each of these three Lines of Operation. JIEDDO’s approach to IED defeat originated from the organization’s five ‘tenet lanes: prediction, detection, prevention, neutralization, and mitigation. Requests for proposals are regularly posted to private industry participants via the JIEDDO BIDS PORTAL. Proposals are judged for viability using, among other criteria, the Technical Readiness Level (TRL), ranging from 1 (Basic principles observed and reported) to 9 (Actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations), enabling a rapid assessment of solutions for reliable deployment to the field. In addition to specific RFPs, JIEDDO also participates in the annual Counter-IED Symposium, where industry partners and those interested in participating can share ideas and issues in a somewhat open forum.
JIEDDO operates under the authority of the Deputy Secretary of Defense.US Army Lieutenant General Michael Barbero assumed duties as the director of JIEDDO on March 4, 2011 and serves as principal adviser to the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is by law the highest ranking military officer in the United States Armed Forces, and is the principal military adviser to the President of the United States, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council and the Secretary of Defense...
on matters of IED defeat.
JIEDDO’s leadership teams include representatives from the office of the Secretary of all five branches of the US military, plus legal, advisory and expert representatives from throughout the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. Seven distinct leadership boards make up the organizational structure as follows:
- 1. Senior Resource Steering Group (SRSG)
- 2. JIEDD Integrated Process Team (JIPT)
- 3. JIEDD Systems Integration Board (JSIB)
- 4. JIEDD Resource and Acquisition Board (JRAB)
- 5. JIEDD Lab Board (JLB)
- 6. JIEDD Test Board (JTB)
- 7. Functional Capabilities Board (FCB)
JIEDDO is co-located in the Pentagon’s offices in Crystal City, Virginia and in the National Counterterrorism / Counterinsurgency Integrated Test & Evaluation Center (NACCITEC) at Yuma, Arizona. See [www.dtic.mil/ndia/2005science/riley.ppt].
JIEDDO Knowledge Information Fusion Exchange (JKnIFE)
The JIEDDO Knowledge and Information Fusion Exchange (JKnIFE) is an enduring capability of the Joint IED Defeat Organization. JKnIFE consolidates current, relevant counter improvised explosive device (C-IED) data from numerous sources into a central web portal easily accessible by U.S. and coalition Warfighters.JKnIFE provides Warfighters and C-IED Trainers a dynamic repository for AOR specific C-IED situational awareness, C-IED training materials and C-IED references to enhance pre-deployment training and improve battlefield information sharing. Additionally, JKnIFE provides support to Warfighters by maintaining a 24/7 Operations Center to respond to individual/unit requests regarding IEDs.
JKnIFE consolidates reports, best practices, and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). JKnIFE also provides theater-specific training materials from JIEDDO enablers.
Key Features of JKnIFE
- Current and relevant C-IED information in support of the DoD communities of warfighters, training, intelligence, research, and development.
- Automated email updates on topics of interest delivered directly to the warfighter.
- JKnIFE's new web portal provides data filtering based on key attributes such as geo-location and IED specifics. Warfighters can refine searches on the new portal to a specific geographical region in CENTCOM's AOR or areas throughout the world.
- Monthly newsletters highlighting the most current, relevant C-IED training materials available on the JKnIFE portals.
JIEDDO was established as an organization on February 14, 2006. JIEDDO was initially formed as the Joint IED Defeat Task Force under the US Army’s Brigadier GeneralBrigadier general (United States)
A brigadier general in the United States Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, is a one-star general officer, with the pay grade of O-7. Brigadier general ranks above a colonel and below major general. Brigadier general is equivalent to the rank of rear admiral in the other uniformed...
Joseph Votel
Joseph Votel
Joseph L. Votel is a Lieutenant General in the United States Army and the former Special Operations Command Chief of Staff. In June 2011, Votel succeeded Admiral William McRaven as the commander of the Joint Special Operations Command. -Early career:...
at the direction of the Army G3, LTG Richard Cody with focus on IEDs [link 1]. The organization was expanded with the Defense-wide intelligence and operations communities as the Joint IED Defeat Task Force in July 2004 as an extension of the OSD Force Protection Working Group and the Army IED Task Force. Under the direction of the Honorable Gordon B. England, Deputy Secretary of Defense, the highly classified and diverse group was finally made the Joint IED Defeat Organization by DoD Directive 2000.19E, on February 14, 2006.