John Kern (Canadian politician)
John Kern from Moose Jaw
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Moose Jaw is a city in south-central Saskatchewan, Canada on the Moose Jaw River. It is situated on the Trans-Canada Highway, west of Regina. Residents of Moose Jaw are known as Moose Javians. It is best known as a retirement and tourist city that serves as a hub to the hundreds of small towns...

 was the leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan
Green Party of Saskatchewan
The Green Party of Saskatchewan is a left-leaning Green political party in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.It was founded in 1998 as the New Green Alliance by environmental and social justice activists frustrated by the social democratic Saskatchewan New Democratic Party's move to the right...

. He was elected May 27, 2006, and after his resignation due to personal circumstances was succeeded by Sandra Finley
Sandra Finley
Sandra Finley is the former leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan. She was leader from 2006-2008.-External links:**...

 of Saskatoon
Saskatoon is a city in central Saskatchewan, Canada, on the South Saskatchewan River. Residents of the city of Saskatoon are called Saskatonians. The city is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344....

 on Oct 14, 2006.
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