John Horne (disambiguation)
John Horne
John Horne
John Horne was a Scottish geologist. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1900. He was a pupil of Ben Peach....

is a geologist.

John Horne is also the name of:
  • John Horne (botanist)
    John Horne (botanist)
    John Horne FLS was the Director of the Botanic Gardens of Pamplemousses, Mauritius.-Life:John Horne was born in Lethendy, Perthshire, Scotland in 1835....

    , botanist
  • John Horne (Governor of Bombay)
    John Horne (Governor of Bombay)
    John Horne was the Governor of Bombay from 22 September 1734 to 7 April 1739....

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