Johanne Seizberg
Johanne Seizberg was a Danish artist, drawing artist, and illustrator, and a teacher.

Probably born in Augsburg
Augsburg is a city in the south-west of Bavaria, Germany. It is a university town and home of the Regierungsbezirk Schwaben and the Bezirk Schwaben. Augsburg is an urban district and home to the institutions of the Landkreis Augsburg. It is, as of 2008, the third-largest city in Bavaria with a...

 in Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

, She was daughter of the printer Riedlinger and married lieuntenant Simon Philippinus Nerius Seizberg.

From 1754, she was a student of the artist couple Frants Michael Regenfuss and Margaretha Ludwig. She illustrated the Auserlesne Schnecken, Musscheln und andere Schaalthiere (1758), and the Flora Danica (1761). In 1762, she became a teacher in the art school for female students protected by the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. In 1772, the school was closed after the fall of Struensees
Johann Friedrich Struensee
Count Johann Friedrich Struensee was a German doctor. He became royal physician to the mentally ill King Christian VII of Denmark and a minister in the Danish government. He rose in power to a position of “de facto” regent of the country, where he tried to carry out widespread reforms...

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