Joan Didion
Joan Didion is an American author best known for her novels and her literary journalism. Her novels and essays explore the disintegration of American morals and cultural chaos, where the overriding theme is individual and social fragmentation. A sense of anxiety or dread permeates much of her work.
Joan Didion was born in Sacramento, California
Sacramento, California
Sacramento is the capital city of the U.S. state of California and the county seat of Sacramento County. It is located at the confluence of the Sacramento River and the American River in the northern portion of California's expansive Central Valley. With a population of 466,488 at the 2010 census,...

, to parents Frank Reese and Eduene (née Jerrett) Didion. Didion recalls writing things down as early as age five, though she claims that she never saw herself as a writer until after being published.

Self-respect is a question of recognizing that anything worth having has a price. ("On Self-Respect", in Slouching Toward Bethlehem | Slouching Toward Bethlehem)

The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs. ("On Self-Respect", in Slouching Toward Bethlehem | Slouching Toward Bethlehem)

One thing you will note about shopping-center theory is that you could have thought of it yourself, and a course in it will go a long way toward dispelling the notion that business proceeds from mysteries too recondite for you and me. ("On the Mall", in The White Album (book)|The White Album)

We tell ourselves stories in order to live. ("The White Album", in The White Album (book)|The White Album)
