Jez Carne
Jeremy Carne is a radio
Radio is the transmission of signals through free space by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light. Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space...

 presenter in Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

. He acts as Web Geezer Jez on The Hamish & Andy
Hamish & Andy
Hamish & Andy are an Australian comedy duo formed in 2003 by Hamish Blake and Andy Lee. They currently host the radio program The Hamish & Andy Show which airs in Australia on the Today Network....

. He won an ACRA in 2009 for Best Multimedia Execution on Hamish and Andy's, Tall Ship Adventure. He was co-founder, producer and host of The Punk Rock Show on 4Q Radio from late 2003 to early 2006.

He is a guitarist and vocalist in rock band JACK from 2004 to 2006.

Jez currently co-presents a weekly webcast called Thisisntradio with Cackling Jack (Jack Post).
Thisisntradio streams live at every Wednesday at 8.30; and has featured such guests as; Hamish Blake and Hayden "Haydo" Guppy.

Season Finale was held on the 19th of May for Jez to go on the Caravan of Courage with Hamish & Andy
Hamish & Andy
Hamish & Andy are an Australian comedy duo formed in 2003 by Hamish Blake and Andy Lee. They currently host the radio program The Hamish & Andy Show which airs in Australia on the Today Network....

The show started off with a bang after a 6 week hiatus with Ryan Shelton
Ryan Shelton
Ryan Shelton is an Australian comedian, actor, radio presenter, television personality, host and writer.- Biography :He attended St Leonards College for some of his schooling, where he met Hamish Blake...

kicking off the show in a random hotel in Melbourne.

Topics on the show regretably just about always refer to Jez/Jacks b-ball team; however important life skill topics are also shown; including the coolness of the 'Goochwah' and how feed off a grown man's (aka Hamishs) nipple, they also asked the viewers if they had any homework/uni questions. Some questions were asked, some answers where given.

External links

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