Jeton Kelmendi
Jeton Kelmendi is an Albanian journalist, poet, translator and political analyst.
Early life and education
Jeton Kelmendi was born in 1978 in the City of Peja, Kosova. He continued his elementary school in his birth place. Later continued his studies at the University of Prishtina and received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Mass communication. He completed his graduate studies at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium with a concentration in International and Security Studies.Career
For many years has written poetry, proze, Essays and short stories. Is a regular contributor of many newspapers, in Albania and abroad, where is dealt with many cultural and political topics, especially the sections concerning the international affairs matters. Jeton Kelmendi became well known in Kosova, after the publication of his first book entitled: “The Century of Promisses” ( “Shekulli i premtimeve”), published in 1999. Later he published a number of other books. His poems are translated in more than twenty two languages and published in a few international Literature Antologies. He is one of the most translated Albanian Poets. According to a number of literary critics, Kelmendi is the genuine representative of modern Albanian poetry. He is a member of many international poetry clubs and is a contributor in many literary and cultural magazine, especially in English, French and Romanian Languages. The wisdom of his work in the field of Literature is based in the attention that he pays to the poetic expression, modern exploration of the text and the delpth of the message. His Gengre is focused more on love lyrics and elliptical verse intertwined with metaphors and artistical symbolism. Kelmendi is a veteran of the War of Liberation of Kosovo led by the Kosovo Liberation Army, 1998 -1999. Currently resides and works in Brussels, BelgiumPublished works
- “The Century Promisses”(' title of the original: "Shekulli i Premtimeve"), 1999 (poetry)
- “Beyond Silence” ('“Përtej Heshtjes”), 2002 (poetry)
- “If it is afternoon” ('“Në qoftë mesditë”), 2004 (poetry)
- “Fatherland pardon me” ('“Më fal pak Atdhe”), 2005, (poetry)
- “Where are the arrivals going” ('“Ku shkojnë ardhjet”), 2007 (poetry)
- “You arrived for the traces of wind” ('“Erdhe për gjurme te erës”, 2008) (poetry)
- “Time when it has time” ('“Koha kurë të ketë kohë”), 2009 (poetry)
Published Books In Foreign Language
- “Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile” ('“Sa fortë janë rralluar letrat”); published in Romanian Language
- “A respiration” ('“Frymëmarrje”); published in India
- “Dame parol” ( ' “Zonja Fjalë”) drama; published in French
- “COMME LE COMMENCEMENT EST SILENCIEUX” ('“Ku fillon heshtja”), poetry; Paris, France
- “ΠΟΥ ΠΑΝΕ ΟΙ ΕΡΧΟΜΟΙ” ('“Ku shkojnë ardhjet”), Poetry in Greek; Athens, Greece
- “Wie wollen” ('“Si me dashtë”), poetry; Berlin, Germany
International Awards
- Member of the Association of professional Journalists of Europe, Brussels, Belgium.
- Member of the Academy of Science and Arts of Europe, Paris, France.
- SOLENZARA Prestigious International Award, Paris, France.
External links
- http://www.eupoetry.page.tl
- http://www.kelmendi-press.blogspot.com
- http://www.exiledwriters.co.uk/writers.shtml#Kelmendi
- http://www.ilrmagazine.net/poetry/issue12_po29.php
- http://www.poetsletter.com/April2008Issue.htm
- http://www.othervoicespoetry.org/vol28/index.html
- http://www.poetasdelmundo.com/verInfo_europa.asp?ID=4036
- http://www.poetrymagazine.com/current_poetry/spring09/jeton_kelmendi.htm
- http://www.lemanoirdespoetes.fr/poemes-jeton-kelmendi.php
- http://www.artepoetica.net/Jeton_Kelmendi.htm
- http://thesoundofpoetryreview.wordpress.com/2009/12/06/jeton-kelmendi-albanian-poet/
- http://www.monsieur-biographie.com/biographies/5689/jeton-kelmendi.php
- http://sociedadedospoetasamigos.blogspot.com/2010/04/jeton-kelmendi-poeta-albanes.html
- http://antologia-minuscula-del-amor.blogspot.com/
- http://minareti.it/1/10/77ee42b6e66da27a439108128d6ac140/arte_cultura_e_religione_in_kosovo_colloquio_con_jeton_kelmendi.html/
- http://www.poetesaparis.fr/jeton.htm
- http://institutcultureldesolenzara.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21:jeton-kelmendi&catid=2:beneficiaires&Itemid=6
- http://www.unitedworldpoets.com/famous-poet/jeton-kelmendi-albanian-writer
- http://lib.nobelbiblioteket.se/search~S0?/aKelmendi%2C+Jeton%2C+1978-/akelmendi+jeton+1978/1%2C-1%2C0%2CE/frameset&FF=akelmendi+jeton+1978&1%2C1%2C
- http://books.theinfo.org/JETON%20KELMENDI