Jessica Clark (actress)
Jessica Clark is a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 model and actress of Indian and Nigerian descent.

Jessica is openly lesbian, and married to Lacey Stone, a New York City professional trainer. They are known for being the hosts of the Vlog Lesbian love, at, founded in April 2002, is a website that focuses on the portrayal of lesbian and bisexual women in the media., its brother site for gay and bisexual men, was launched in January 2005. The websites were founded by Sarah Warn, who initially served as the editor in...


She recently played a central role in A Perfect Ending
A Perfect Ending
A Perfect Ending is an upcoming LGBT film written and directed by Nicole Conn. -Plot:What starts as a comedy of errors ends up a uniquely erotic journey. Rebecca has a very unusual secret, one that not even her best friends know about...

, a 2011 lesbian film directed by Nicole Conn
Nicole Conn
Nicole Conn , is a film director, producer, and screenwriter most famous for her debut feature, the lesbian love story, Claire of the Moon ....



  • 2011- A Perfect Ending
    A Perfect Ending
    A Perfect Ending is an upcoming LGBT film written and directed by Nicole Conn. -Plot:What starts as a comedy of errors ends up a uniquely erotic journey. Rebecca has a very unusual secret, one that not even her best friends know about...

    - Paris
  • 2011- Chemistry (TV series) - Chantal
  • 2011- State of Georgia (TV series) - Natalia
  • 2010- Sara (short) - Lexus

External links

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