Jelen pivo
Jelen Pivo is a light beer produced by Apatin Brewery ltd. Jelen Pivo contains 5% alcohol, belongs to the class of light lagers, and is made of high-quality hops, barley and yeast. Besides Serbia, Jelen Pivo can also be found on the markets of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, as well as Switzerland, Austria and Sweden. Its logo is a bugling elk, and the slogan used in recent marketing campaigns of Jelen Pivo is „Men know why“.
It is widespread in part of the Balkans where some bars, restaurants and pubs have it available on draft.
Jelen Pivo is the leading product of the Apatin Brewery (established in 1756) and it is available on the market in the following packages: cans of 0.33 l and 0.5 l, non-returnable bottles of 0.33 l, (1 L and 2 L plastic bottles in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia Montenegro and areas within the Balkan Region), returnable bottles of 0.5 l and 0.33 l, Q-pack of 1 L and 2 L and barrels of 30 l and 50 l.It is widespread in part of the Balkans where some bars, restaurants and pubs have it available on draft.
Jelen Cool
Jelen Cool is a non-alcoholic variant of Jelen Pivo. Its slogan is „Anytime, anywhere“. It is available in the following packages: non-returnable bottle of 0.33l, returnable bottle of 0.5l and can of 0.5l.Awards
- Monde Selection 2010 – Big golden medal (for the 12th time) and golden medal for quality (for the 3rd time)
- „Most popular product with men“ – the result of the poll conducted by Moja Srbija (My Serbia) Citizens’ Association in 2009
- „Best beer of the Beer Fest“ – by votes of audience for the 6th time since 2004
- “The Best brand from Serbia 2010” in the beverage category in a campaign conducted by the Ministry of Trade and Services, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and business daily Privredni Pregled.
- “Most favourite beer in Serbia” –the result of the poll conducted by Moja Srbija (My Serbia) Citizens’ Association in 2010
For the third consecutive year{[when}}, Jelen Pivo is the sponsor of – Jelen Super League of Serbia. It is the organizer of the Jelen Live Festival. Since 2008, Jelen Pivo has been the general sponsor of the Guča Trumpet Festival and owner of the Jelen Top 10, one of the national pop-rock TV shows.External links
- http://www.jelenpivo.com
- http://www.jelenfootball.com