Jeff Lewis (actor)
Jeff Lewis is an American actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

 and screenwriter
Screenwriters or scriptwriters or scenario writers are people who write/create the short or feature-length screenplays from which mass media such as films, television programs, Comics or video games are based.-Profession:...

, best known as Herman "Vork" Holden on the webseries The Guild
The Guild
The Guild is an American comedy web series created and written by Felicia Day, who also stars as Cyd Sherman . It premiered on YouTube on July 27, 2007. Subsequent webisodes premiered on Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN Video. The webisodes were later made available on...

. He is an alumnus of ACME Comedy Theatre
ACME Comedy Theatre
The ACME Comedy Theatre is a sketch comedy and improvisational theater located near Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, on La Brea near Wilshire's "Miracle Mile" in the U.S. ACME was started by M.D. Sweeney as "The Two Roads Theater" in Studio City in 1989, with the players known as the Two Roads...

 and a graduate of The Groundlings
The Groundlings
The Groundlings are an improvisational comedy troupe based in Los Angeles, California. The troupe was formed by Gary Austin in 1974 and uses an improv format influenced by Viola Spolin to produce sketches and improvised scenes...

 and The Second City
The Second City
The Second City is a improvisational comedy enterprise which originated in Chicago's Old Town neighborhood.The Second City Theatre opened on December 16, 1959 and has since expanded its presence to several other cities, including Toronto and Los Angeles...

 He also portrays "Handsome Man" on the comedy web series "Home At Last" starring William Russ.

Jeff Lewis has written and acted in HBO’s Sketch Pad 2
and has written for Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon (TV channel)
Nickelodeon, often simply called Nick and originally named Pinwheel, is an American children's channel owned by MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom International. The channel is primarily aimed at children ages 7–17, with the exception of their weekday morning program block aimed at preschoolers...

’s Catscratch
Catscratch is a American animated television series created by Doug TenNapel airing on Nickelodeon in 2005 and on Nicktoons in late 2007 . It was also shown on Nickelodeon UK/Ireland in 2006. It is a light-hearted adaptation of TenNapel's graphic novel, Gear, which is also the name of the cats'...

 and DreamWorks Animation
DreamWorks Animation
DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. is an American animation studio based in Glendale, California that creates animated feature films, television program and online virtual worlds...

’s Toonsylvania
Toonsylvania is an animated television series, which ran for 2 seasons in 1998 on FOX's Saturday morning cartoon block in its first season, then was moved to Tuesday afternoons from September 14, 1998 until December 21, 1998, when it was cancelled...

. He has also entered the screenplay world with his script for the comedy film “For Christ’s Sake“ directed by Jackson Douglas
Jackson Douglas
Jackson Douglas is best known for his role as Jackson Belleville in the television series Gilmore Girls, for which he's also directed the Season 5 episode To Live and Let Diorama and Season 6 episode Welcome to the Dollhouse...



Year Title Role Notes
1994 Deadly Diversions Jeff Tiegs
1998 The Drew Carey Show - Season 4
The Drew Carey Show
The Drew Carey Show is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from 1995 to 2004. The show was set in Cleveland, Ohio, and revolved around the retail office and home life of "everyman" Drew Carey, a fictionalized version of the actor....

Glen 1 episode
2000 Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane - Season 2
Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane
Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane is an American teen sitcom starring Selma Blair, David Moscow, Michael Rosenbaum, and Azura Skye that premiered in 1999 on The WB network...

Buckley 1 episode
3rd Rock from the Sun - Season 5
3rd Rock from the Sun
3rd Rock from the Sun is an American sitcom that aired from 1996 to 2001 on NBC. The show is about four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet...

Young Man 1 episode
2001 Traffic Cones ???
2003 According to Jim - Season 2
According to Jim
According to Jim is an American sitcom television series starring Jim Belushi in the title role as a suburban father of three children. It originally ran on ABC from October 3, 2001 to June 2, 2009.-Synopsis:Jim is an abrasive but lovable suburban father...

Bill 1 episode
That '70s Show - Season 5
That '70s Show
That '70s Show is an American television period sitcom that centers on the lives of a group of teenage friends living in the fictional suburban town of Point Place, Wisconsin, from May 17, 1976, to December 31, 1979...

Guy in Line 1 episode
2005 Wannabe
Wannabe (film)
Wannabe is a 2005 comedy film starring Craig Robert Young, Adam Huss, Anna Becker and Elizabeth Warner, and directed by Richard Keith.-Plot:...

Bruce Green
Game Time Edward
The Smartest Person Who Ever Lived Herb
2006 Destination Mars Stuart
2007 The Guild - Season 1
The Guild
The Guild is an American comedy web series created and written by Felicia Day, who also stars as Cyd Sherman . It premiered on YouTube on July 27, 2007. Subsequent webisodes premiered on Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN Video. The webisodes were later made available on...

Vork All episodes
2008 The Guild - Season 2
The Guild
The Guild is an American comedy web series created and written by Felicia Day, who also stars as Cyd Sherman . It premiered on YouTube on July 27, 2007. Subsequent webisodes premiered on Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN Video. The webisodes were later made available on...

Vork All episodes
My Name Is Earl - Season 3
My Name Is Earl
My Name Is Earl is an American television comedy series created by Greg Garcia that was originally broadcast on the NBC television network from September 20, 2005, to May 14, 2009, in the United States...

Blind man 1 episode
2009 The Guild - Season 3
The Guild
The Guild is an American comedy web series created and written by Felicia Day, who also stars as Cyd Sherman . It premiered on YouTube on July 27, 2007. Subsequent webisodes premiered on Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN Video. The webisodes were later made available on...

Vork All episodes
Dorm Life - Season 2
Dorm Life
Dorm Life is a mockumentary web series created by former students of UCLA. It follows the fictional lives of the inhabitants of the college dorm floor 5 South. It is produced by Attention Span Media, a Los Angeles based social media studio and is a 2008 Webby Honoree for Best Writing and Comedy:...

Repair Man 1 episode
Glee - Season 1
Glee (TV series)
Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States, and on GlobalTV in Canada. It focuses on the high school glee club New Directions competing on the show choir competition circuit, while its members deal with relationships, sexuality and social issues...

Manager 1 episode
There will be Brawl - Season 1 Waluigi
is a fictional character in the Mario series of video games. He accompanies Wario in spin-offs from the main Mario series, oftentimes for the sake of causing mischief...

2 episodes
2010 Ashley's Ashes Mick
The Guild - Season 4
The Guild
The Guild is an American comedy web series created and written by Felicia Day, who also stars as Cyd Sherman . It premiered on YouTube on July 27, 2007. Subsequent webisodes premiered on Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN Video. The webisodes were later made available on...

Vork All episodes
2011 Home At Last - Season 1
Home at Last
Home at Last is a song by Steely Dan, and is the fifth track on their 1977 album Aja. It is inspired by the epic poem The Odyssey, reflecting the feelings associated with a long-awaited homecoming; Walter Becker and Donald Fagen referenced this on the video The Making Of Aja.Original Steely Dan...

Handsome Man Episode 6
The Guild - Season 5
The Guild
The Guild is an American comedy web series created and written by Felicia Day, who also stars as Cyd Sherman . It premiered on YouTube on July 27, 2007. Subsequent webisodes premiered on Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN Video. The webisodes were later made available on...

Vork All episodes

External links

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