Jean-Baptiste Coste
Jean-Baptiste Coste was a French painter and friend of Jacques-Louis David
Jacques-Louis David
Jacques-Louis David was an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, considered to be the preeminent painter of the era...

. His children included the painter Louise Zoé Coste
Louise Zoé Coste
Louise Zoé Coste or Louise Zoé Meynier was a French painter. She was the daughter of the painter Jean-Baptiste Coste and a student of Jean-Baptiste Regnault. She mainly worked in Nantes and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1831 to 1861....



  • Ideal landscape with the basilica of Maxentius
    Basilica of Maxentius
    The Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine is an ancient building in the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy...

    , 1791 (Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans
    Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans
    The Musée des beaux-arts d'Orléans is a museum in the city of Orléans in France. Founded in 1797, it is one of France's oldest provincial museums. Its collections cover the period from the 15th to 20th centuries...

     - shown at the Entre Lumières et romantisme exhibition at the Musée Jenisch
    Musée Jenisch
    The Musée Jenish is a museum of fine arts and prints at Vevey in Vaud in Switzerland. It was set up on 10 March 1897, thanks to a legacy of 200,000 francs from Fanny Henriette Jenisch , wife of Martin Johan Jenisch, a senator of Hamburg. It was designed in the neo-classical style by the architect...

    Vevey is a town in Switzerland in the canton Vaud, on the north shore of Lake Geneva, near Lausanne.It was the seat of the district of the same name until 2006, and is now part of the Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut District...

    ), from 16 March to 17 June 2007.
  • Roman Altar, with inscription, late 18th century, Musée Grobet-Labadié
    Musée Grobet-Labadié
    The Musée Grobet-Labadié is a museum in Marseilles, housed in a 19th century hôtel particulier owned by the family whose collection it displays. In 1919 Marie Grobet, daughter of the major Marseilles businessman Alexandre Labadié, gave the family art collection and hôtel particulier to the city....

    , at Marseille
    Marseille , known in antiquity as Massalia , is the second largest city in France, after Paris, with a population of 852,395 within its administrative limits on a land area of . The urban area of Marseille extends beyond the city limits with a population of over 1,420,000 on an area of...

  • Park with architecture, late 18th century, Musée Grobet-Labadié
    Musée Grobet-Labadié
    The Musée Grobet-Labadié is a museum in Marseilles, housed in a 19th century hôtel particulier owned by the family whose collection it displays. In 1919 Marie Grobet, daughter of the major Marseilles businessman Alexandre Labadié, gave the family art collection and hôtel particulier to the city....

    , at Marseille
    Marseille , known in antiquity as Massalia , is the second largest city in France, after Paris, with a population of 852,395 within its administrative limits on a land area of . The urban area of Marseille extends beyond the city limits with a population of over 1,420,000 on an area of...

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