Jason Potts
Jason Potts is a New Zealand-born academic economist. His work focuses on the theoretical development of evolutionary economics using complex systems theory. His current research is on the role of creative industries
Creative industries
The creative industries refers to a range of economic activities which are concerned with the generation or exploitation of knowledge and information...

 in innovation-driven economic growth and development.


  • Potts' first book The New Evolutionary Microeconomics: Complexity, Competence and Adaptive Behaviour (Edward Elgar) received the Schumpeter Prize in 2000 (joint award with Brian Loasby). His latest book is The General Theory of Economic Evolution with Kurt Dopfer
    Kurt Dopfer
    Kurt Dopfer is the Professor at the Department of Economics, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and also the co-director of the Institute for National Economics....

    , published by Routledge in 2007.

External links

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